Sunday 9 July 2023

Of Such Is The Kingdom Of Heaven

I have been thinking so much about children this week. Rosie did not come and stay with us after all, but I thought of her, and many other families affected by school closures. Teachers [like nhs workers] never go on strike without considering the implications. I think this is a sign of their genuine frustration at the way the powers that be are managing the education system. 
My heart is aching for all those affected by the tragedy as a small private school in Wimbledon on Thursday - I wept as I watched the senior police officer having to read her statement, struggling to maintain her professional manner, when she was clearly close to tears herself. Those first responders were deeply affected by the incident, as they sought to bring help and comfort.

My heart goes out too, to little children, separated from families who arrive as 'unaccompanied minors' . Staff had painted cheerful murals of Mickey and Minnie Mouse, and Tom and Jerry on the walls, to try and alleviate their distress - many are frightened, lonely, and don't speak English. Robert Jenrick [Immigration Minister] has ordered that these be painted over- the message they send out is "too welcoming"
The staff were distressed by this order, and understandably resisted carrying out the work themselves. Many children's charities have been horrified - these are traumatised children. It is utterly mean to remove these figures who they may recognise, who may bring a smile to their faces. And the removal of the murals will not stop one single boat or deter any traffickers. [and the cost of the paint, and painters could have been better spent elsewhere] 

Lord Jesus, when you walked this earth, 
you always made time for the children.
You took them in your arms and blessed them
You told them stories about wise and foolish builders, and wandering sheep
You shared the packed lunch of a little boy
And took the hand of a little girl and restored her to her parents
You shared the pain of distressed families

And you always showed love, saying
"These children are key members of the Kingdom of Heaven"
Help us to show them the same love and concern

Strengthen all those who work with children and young people
Give them wisdom, integrity and the resources they need
Comfort those who have lost their children, whose children are sick,
or those who have especial needs right now.

And help each one of us to make the world a better place for the younger generation
- by caring for creation, and trying to clean up the mess we have created
- by working for peace, and justice, and hope
- by helping every child to feel loved                AMEN


  1. It's very sad when the most vulnerable are treated so unkindly.

  2. How could Robert Jenrick even contemplate doing such a thing, where innocent, frightened children are concerned? Thinking of the family who lost that dear little girl in school. It is so sad. Love Isabel

  3. So mean-spirited of the Minister about the cartoons - did he think he would gain support for this action?
    And as for the parents who send their child to school, and never having them come home again... unbearable. It does happen from time to time, but oh the heartbreak.

  4. I was truly shocked by both incidents but disgusted by the murals having to be overpainted. Good on the staff who refused to do it. Catriona

    1. They must have such a difficult task, and I applaud them for their stand. 👍

  5. 'Too welcoming'?? This person has no heart.

    1. He is the guy [in a previous ministerial role] responsible for the destruction of many beautiful parts of our heritage 💔

  6. Alex Brooker (comedian) made a deeply impassioned comment about this painting over the murals. They are CHILDREN, he doesn't matter who they are, or where they are from. They are deeply traumatized CHILDREN. He said more that is probably not printable, but I couldn't agree more. Love FD xx

    1. Yes, they are CHILDREN !!n Donald Trump was asked about the USA's policies on child migrants. He said they had broken the law and the Bible says sin must be punished,so it was ok to bang them up in cells, and take them to a court where business is conducted in a language they do not understand. THAT above all else was the reason I went on the anti Trump demo with Liz a few years ago. Let me know when there's a march on Mr Jenrick's offices...

    2. 'The Bible says sin must be punished'....I wonder how that applies to Trump's activities??

    3. Let us leave such judgment to the Almighty! We have all fallen short of God's standards, but His grace is amazing to those who seek His forgiveness

  7. These events have deeply troubled me too this week Angela. All the more reason to hug it out with those dearest to us.That's what I've been doing.xx

  8. Everything serves to depersonalize Refugees. Unless you read about, listen to or speak to people to hear thr stories then it's easy to focus on the horrid 'invasion' descriptions and feel like there's no space or resources for new arrivals. We need to keep educating ourselves- every single one of us- so we remember to be kind and generous and empathize with their plight. Kx

    1. Thank you Kezzie- yes it is easier to be cruel when these people have been 'depersonalized'. I'm sure that as a teacher, the accident in Wimbledon will have affected you greatly - and similarly, you will have looked at the pictures of the child migrants and imagined your pupils who are of a similar age. 💔

    2. Exactly. We need to imagine that each child or person is someone we know. I didn't know about Wimbledon- have looked it awful!!!xx

  9. Amen to the lovely prayer
    Alison in Wales x

  10. What a sad story. It seems that children are very much an endangered species in our world today, even before they are born. Why can't we love them and acknowledge their vulnerability? Amen to the prayer.

  11. Amen.


  12. I've not been following the UK news lately, and so I had to o read up on these events. It is terribly sad. I'm shocked by how cruel people can be to children.


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