Sunday 30 July 2023

Pax Et Bonum

This Latin phrase was beloved by St Francis, and means "peace and all good" - something he encouraged those who joined this order to practise in their daily lives. Last Sunday, the Radio 4 Sunday Worship was all about the good saint, and I found it an interesting service [if a little different from the usual pattern!] And then, in the way these things come full circle, on Thursday I actually met 

this Franciscan Monk in Norwich! Samuel Terrelli is a member of the Secular Franciscan Order of Norwich and he was busking outside the Mountain Warehouse Shop in London Street. 
I heard the music before I saw him, wearing his dark brown habit, and playing a large woodwind instrument [a sort of recorder I think] He was playing "Bind Us Together". It lifted my spirits.
 I stopped to fish a coin out of my purse, and as I dropped it in his little wooden bowl, he began playing "Be Thou My Vision" "Great tune, thank you!" I said.
"Which one?" he enquired. I said It was Bind Us Together that caught my attention, but I love the other one even more.
Samuel said that someone had told him that Bind Us Together was not originally a Christian Song, but had roots in Druid Handfasting ceremonies.
We chatted about the things that bound us together - a shared concern for others, a concern for creation, and a shared faith in God. We spoke of belonging to the worldwide family of Christ - and of our local churches [mine is at a little Baptist Chapel out in a village - his is the Roman Catholic Cathedral in the middle of the city]
I went on my way feeling very cheerful to have met him - may God bless the good work he is doing in his community. 
I checked up on 'Bind Us Together' - it seems that Samuel was misinformed. Although some handfasting ceremonies do have songs with similar lyrics, itr seems that this one was written in 1974 by a guy called Bob [who had actually attended the same secondary school as cousin Gillian] 
May your Sunday be blessed with peace and goodness, and filled with love


  1. There is also an Anglican Fransican community, active all over the country.

  2. It's amazing how faith can reach across what looks like broad divides.

  3. What a lovely encounter, and lovely that there are still many folk happy to stand up in front of others to share their faith.
    Alison in Wales x

  4. That's a lovely post! I'm glad you met him! Kx

    1. A really nice guy. I hope I see him again

  5. Thank you for a glorious start to my morning here! JanF

  6. My Saturday was filled with peace and goodness! My eldest took me out for a posh lunch, followed by a screening of 'Oppenheimer' at a posh cinema (velvet sofas with cushions and waitress service), while his wife was abroad with the 3yr old visiting her father. It made me feel like a Mum again, just the two of us in a whole uninterrupted day. Total bliss.

    1. Oh that sounds utterly wonderful. How lovely to have special 1-to-1 time with your son like that. Please share a review of the film sometime!

  7. I am pleased you had this encounter. I have met Samuel and he has had a fascinating spiritual journey. As you say, a very pleasant person.

    1. That's lovely to know you met him too Philip - maybe next time I see him, he will tell me more about that journey

  8. What a lovely story, he sounds like such a lovely chap - my lovely friend is a third order Franciscan. hope you've had a lovely day, many blessings upon your week xx

    1. And may your week be lovely, and full of love too


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