Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Sew Long Ago!

Rupert Annual 1958 inside origamiSomeone at Saturday’s Craft Event asked me how long I had been doing crafts.

I said I couldn't remember I time when I hadn’t made things. I was sewing and knitting before my brother was born [he arrived when I was 7½] and I loved doing the origami models from my Rupert Annual [which came every Christmas]

Then I wondered what was the oldest piece of my own craftwork which I still have. I think it must be this little fabric box, which I made at school in 1967. It is about 6” across and 2” high.


We had to design a box in two colours [many of my friends opted for the yellow/green colourway, because they were supporters of Norwich City FC] and we were allowed a third thread colour. I chose red/blue, with black. I had been to a few theatres, and was very taken with the tragedy/comedy masks, so based my design on that. We had stitch the lid, make the box, line it with cream fabric, make a tassel and then put everything together. I gave the finished box to my Mum, and it was on her dressing table for the next 34 years, she kept her necklaces in it. After she died, Dad gave it back to me. Looking at it now, I cannot believe how neat my blanket stitching was back then, or how straight that central seam.

What is the oldest piece of craftwork you still have? Is it from your school days? Do you still practise that particular craft?


  1. After my Mother died I sorted her stuff and found a felt purse I made for Christmas my first year at school. She always used it when she carried an evening bag as it was small and suitable for a few coins. What I did not know until she died was that she had kept the note I had written telling her I loved her.

    1. How lovely that she kept the little purse - but more wonderful that she treasured your note. Such things are SO precious.

    2. ps please post a picture of the purse sometime

  2. I still have a little cross stitch case for a powder compact that I too made for my mother! I treasure it.

    1. You must post a picture on your blog sometime!

  3. My oldest piece of Kratfwerk? I think I've got The Model on a compilation CD - that dates from the late 70's.....

  4. Will have to think and search my 'stuff' for this one!

  5. Well done, little Angela!
    I used to sew clothes for my troll dolls. I drew a lot and my mom saved a face I drew when I was just two years old. In kindergarten I made a very pink paper mache bunny. Have you recovered from the wedding?

    1. Clearly you have always had artistic talents, PP, if you were drawing faces at 2 years of age. I am not sure I have recovered yet. Still grinning every time I think of it, and still sorting through boxes of stuff [left over napkins, wine glasses, reels of ribbon etc] Its a bit hot to do much this week, and now we are back, I seem to be busy with life here. But thanks for asking

  6. I still have a T shaped jumper I knitted when was around 11. It was the first thing I made once I'd learnt to knit. I have kept loads of L's things.

  7. As we are of the same vintage, mine, like yours is a box that was made, lined and covered! I still have it with a few memories stored inside. My stitching is not very neat though. Did you also make a hand gathered skirt by any chance?


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