Saturday 18 March 2017

Going Like The Clappers

The Gentle Author has just published an update about the campaign to save the Whitechapel Bell Foundry [read it here]  There is an online petition organised by the East End Preservation Society [click here to sign] I hope this succeeds very quickly, as the auction of machinery is scheduled for the end of the month.
btw, nobody is quite sure if going like the clappers refers to the 'tongues' of the bells, but it seemed to me like a good title for this post.


  1. I know Whitechapel well and also signed the petition. I love that blog. It was through The Gentle Author that I donated vellum deeds for an old local brewery to the Bishopsgate Institute.

  2. What a generous gift, but how lovely to pass these documents on to a location where they will be preserved and treasured for years to come.


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