Monday 6 March 2017

HOW Many??

Just four weeks off the 9th anniversary of starting this blog, and I realised over the weekend I had passed the 1.5 million views mark. Now I know there was a brief, bizarre increase in Russian readers a few weeks back - but the fact remains that the readership is fairly consistent now at well over 1000 hits per day. I am astounded at this, but whoever, wherever you are - thank you for dropping by. 
Special thanks to the new readers from just up the road, who spoke to me when I preached at their church on Sunday.
I think I shall have to mark this in some way, so I am working out what to do by way of a special Giveaway. Details of that will follow...
[I found this graphic on the internet and intrigued that my initials AA were scrawled in the corner!]


  1. Wow, that is quite a number! Well done.

  2. Yay, that is fab!!!! Well done, you! My blogiversary no 12is in April so we must have started at a similar time of year! Your blog truly is a blessing and I think, very unique!x

  3. I'm not surprised that you have so much traffic; I enjoy your interesting and intelligent writing, especially about words and phrases. Well done!


Always glad to hear from you - thanks for stopping by!
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