Thursday 16 November 2017

Yule Never Believe It!

That was the title of the event last Saturday Night- it was our Girls' Night In
 We decorated the church hall in festive fashion, and set out coffee, cakes and cocktails.

The various Christmas themed crafts proved very popular - Nadia's table worked hard to produce felt gingerbread men and figgy puddings

On other tables, people made bags, and decorated fir cones, created tiny twiggy tree decorations, and folded pyramid table favours. As well as this hive of industry, there was plenty of time to chat with friends new and old.

Over thirty chatty females turned up, which was lovely. You never know, the first time that you try something, what the attendance will be. Thank you to everyone who provided cakes and crafts, and all those who came along.

We did have some cake left over to serve with Sunday's After-Church Coffee though!
LanniesMum commented on the blog last week that she is looking forward to seeing what I'm doing and making in the Christmas Run Up- well this was the first Christmas Event of the year.
I provided the cocktails again - check out my lovely new stand for the drinks dispensers. Bob made this for me a couple of months ago - it is so useful. My contribution to the crafts was the pyramid table favours. I shall post a proper tutorial for these soon. I notice there is something similar in last week's Waitrose Weekend newspaper. Mine don't need you to glue fiddly flaps though.


  1. LanniesMum isn't the only one looking forward to your run-up to Christmas! That looks a fantastic event at UCF. Wish I were closer.

  2. That sounds an utterly delightful event!! I'd love to be part of something like that@x

  3. That looks so fun! Wish I could've come :) It's just wonderful to have an event like that at church, great fellowship and friendship-building, plus beautiful Christmas crafts all around.

  4. For the last three years I have organised an event for about 20 women crafters with jingle bells on. This year, I got the chance to develop my own learning and surprise, surprise it's too much work and it's not happening. I feel sad because it makes me realise, as my family told me, that I was being taken for a mug. I went to a class today and although it was a wee bit expensive, I enjoyed it thoroughly. I'm going for the next three weeks also and I will make things for our house for this festive season. Catriona


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