Sunday 20 May 2018

A Friend In Need...

Today is the Feast of Pentecost - when Christians remember God's gift of his Holy Spirit, the birth of the Church , the family of God's people.[read the story here]
Something that has really been important for me in recent weeks is the fact that God doesn't send us out alone - we have a faith-family. Friends who care for us and help us - and for whom we should be caring too.
I know I have spoken about Paul's words in Galatians before "Help carry one another's burdens, and so fulfill Christ's law"
I love Annie Valloton's picture, showing this line of people, each with their own burden, but each helping to carry the load of the one in front.
But what has struck me just lately is that sometimes people struggle on, and are unwilling to be helped, or to share their troubles with anyone else. Maybe they do not want o appear weak, maybe they do not want to be a nuisance, maybe they are embarrassed to admit they have a problem...whatever the reason, they bottle it up and persevere alone, and in silence. I saw this great label on a large box in B&Q this week.
There is no need to cope by yourself "Do not carry alone" Is a wonderful instruction.
There is always someone willing to help.
And God is always there too - even if you don't 'do church' you can always try praying [check out the helpful Try Praying website!]


  1. I liked that drawing of people helping to carry the other person's burden.

  2. From experience as a mental health professional people who tend towards introversion (of which there are many) find it incredibly difficult to ask for help, particularly if their need for help is causing them to feel depressed. They don’t want to be a burden on others and, as is often the case, being overly self-conscious, don’t like to draw attention to themselves in this way. They might also fear rejection or feel they are helpless to reciprocate. Others need to reach out to them and they may trust enough to respond positively to offers help.
    I like that drawing too.
    Veni Sancte Spiritus.

  3. The drawing is so good, and communicates so much yet is so simple. Yes Philip you are right. If my word for the Year is MORE then than must include more listening and more empathy


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