Friday 24 December 2021

I Should Have Listened To Delia!

In 2008 I bought some Nativity Figures from Lakeland, to decorate my cake. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and Three Wise Men. At the time, I said they were 'rather expensive' and would therefore have to come out every year. This is their 14th Christmas! I have varied the arrangements - and usually been happy with the results...

Culpitt did introduce a nine piece set a while back - my six, plus shepherd, sheep and angel - but there was no point in buying that when it would be full of duplicates.

I usually make the royal icing with my Kenwood Chef.In 2018 I brought the cake un-iced  up to Norfolk, and found it impossible to beat the icing by hand till it was stiff enough. My attempt at making the stable went completely wrong, and the use of half a Chinese takeaway box led the family to liken it to Macclesfield Bus Garage

Last year I used fondant - but we were just two in Dorset on Christmas Day. It wasn't quite the same. Then in March, my dear friend Pauline came round to say goodbye before we moved. We sat [socially distanced] drinking tea in the garden [in our coats] - and she pushed a small box across the table to me. A leaving present.

She gave me her angel to add to my existing set of six figures. I was so touched. I decided this year's cake would have the holy family, one wise man and the new angel. And proper Royal Icing.

I used Delia's recipe here, put the cake stand on my lazy Susan, and spun it round, using my serrated scraper to make patterns. 

Friends, I broke the rules! 
I did not listen to Delia. Her final instruction is "leave the cake out overnight, for the icing to dry out - then put it in a container until needed" - but I just stood the characters on top straightaway, pinned on a red ribbon and took the photo. 

I came back to the kitchen a few hours later, to find Mary and Joseph looking very laid-back, and the Wise Man sunk up to his knees in the icing. The angel was decidedly fallen! The baby was OK. 

I have removed the figures and I am leaving the icing to dry out properly. Then I will work out a way to fix them so they are not languishing deep in the icing-quicksand.

Family conversation this week 

"So, Grandma, why do we have Santa at Christmas? He didn't visit baby Jesus in the stable did he?" 
"I think you should ask Grandad Bob about that"
"Grandad, why do we have Santa Claus?" 
"Well, Rosie, perhaps Grandma Angela will explain all about a man called Nicholas" 

After some thought, Rosie concluded that most presents come from Mum and Dad, or friends and family. But if we don't know who they are from, those must be the gifts from Santa...



  1. Oops! Looks like the angel has brought my bad habits to your kitchen. Sorry. I tend to put decorations on too soon. This year I decided to go back to royal icing and do a snow scene. I put my snowman on and he fell over however the snow dog stayed up.
    Enjoy eating the cake. Happy Christmas xx

    1. Even in a pandemic, busy Pastor's wives have to fit family Christmas prep around Carol services etc. So it's quite ok for you to rush the decorations. I don't have that excuse now I'm retired!!

  2. I'm very impressed with anyone who ices a cake!
    Every year my Christmas cake has a topping of highly glazed fruits, as I am well aware of my limitations where any sort of icing is concerned!
    I love Rosie's logic, our Grandson (5) wrote a list to Santa, and everything on it was duly bought. Then, with less than three weeks to go, he gave his parents the list of what he wanted from them, as the gifts from Santa are just that, from Santa, so Mum and Dad buy other presents!
    Wishing you and yours the very best of everything for Christmas! X

    1. And I hope you are able to spend time with your family this Christmas

  3. Sorry Ang, Delia does know best!!

    1. I know, I know... My own fault entirely. Mea Culpa!

  4. Thank you for making me laugh. "Macclesfield Bus Garage", and the tipsy figurines in the icing! Of course Baby Jesus was okay - He always is, isn't He, while everyone else deals with crowds, stables and even Covid? He is there waiting for us to adore Him so that we can calm down and find peace. Have a blessed, retired Christmas!

    1. Amen. Blessings to you and yours too, Bushlady - thanks for all your thoughtful comments this year

  5. How lovely, and a talking point for years to come. I always use Royal Icing for the Christmas cake. One year when I had five kittens, and two adults in the house, I marzipanned the cake then iced it. I always cover loosely with tissue paper and put it on a deep shelf out of the way. Took the tissue off and there were a set of footprints going over the cake. Fortunately I was able to rescue it just. The footprints made me chuckle though. Rosie sounds a lovely lively grandchild. One of you is going to have to come up with answers soon I suspect. Enjoy Christmas the pair of you. Take care Tricia xx

    1. I love the footprints story. Happy Christmas PP!

  6. Thank you for your lovely cake-ey tales. They gave me the giggle tonight which I really needed as I always miss my son on Christmas Eve. He left for Australia 20 years ago and I've only seen him twice since. It's his birthday on Christmas day and a text message just isn't the same as a hug.
    Wishing you and your family a very happy Christmas x

    1. I'm glad the post made you giggle. You must miss your son particularly on Christmas Day. I hope you get to see your daughter this week. BTW, following your recent post, I bought a swede - hoping my microwave works as well as yours does! Happy Christmas ❤️👍🎄⭐

  7. Happy Christmas to you, Bob and family. Blessings, Celie

    1. And to you too Celie, thank you for your thoughtful comments in recent weeks

  8. I loved the story of the wise man up to his knees. You have a wonderful way of telling a story. My comment did not make it through yesterday so this is a repeat.


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