Wednesday 29 December 2021

Not Just Any Old Bag

 A totally unexpected piece of post last week, from the Norfolk Museums Service. We purchased an annual pass a few months back. A "Joint Seniors" - cost us £63 and we have already had more than our money back in terms of admissions. But they have sent all Pass holders a tote bag as a 'small token of appreciation' for support and patience whilst work is be carried out at the Castle.

Designed by local illustrator Nigel Orme, the accompanying letter says the bag features "iconic images from the museum collections"

I've identified some of the images. Working clockwise from the Castle itself, I found 

  • a fish with an ermine cape and crown [?] 
  • a lady's mask [Norwich Castle] 
  • a sea creature [I think that's Time&Tide Museum, Yarmouth] 
  • centre left is a big cat [?]
  • bottom right is the Snettisham Hoard Anglo Saxon Great Torc, 
  • bottom centre, Henry Blogg the Lifeboat Cox [Cromer Museum] 
  • The teapot, lady's shoe and the Egyptian Sarcophagus are all from Norwich Castle. 
  • I cannot identify the cross design
  • the horse may be from the Gressenhall workhouse and farm
  • the lock and key may be from the Kings Lynn Museum.

There is no explanation of the icons or their locations in the letter, nor on the NM website so I emailed Nigel to ask for one. He replied the same evening and said he's going to get the NM to send me all the information [what a thoughtful man]. Such a lovely gift, useful and thought provoking. Thank you Norfolk Museums [and Nigel] 

I'm really hoping that I will get to the Textiles Treasures Exhibition in the New Year [I'd hoped to go in November, but it didn't prove possible] The NMS has so much to enjoy, and I think the annual pass is definitely worth having- I've got a passion for history, and now I have time to visit, and discover more about the county where I live.


  1. Good to see Henry Blogg on there. What a lovely gift, hope we get to see the explanation.

    1. When NMS send it, I will share it (I hope they are having a proper Christmas break right now)

  2. What a lovely idea, and useful too.

  3. What a fun design on the tote bag!

  4. Could the big cat actually be an owl ?

  5. That's a pretty design! I look forward to learning the meanings too!

  6. What a nice surprise, and so much to figure out and learn about from that excellent design.

    1. I love a gift with added extras, don't you?

  7. I am just catching up on emails and blog posts after a few days off so lovely to see that you and all the family had a lovely Christmas!
    What an interesting place this must be - so hope the new exhibit is able to open soon. Here in Toronto we have a Textile Museum and they always seem to have something very interesting on hand. The last big exhibit was a stitched working of the 5 books of the Torah along with a video showing how people from all around the world and from all religious backgrounds had contributed to sewing the panels.
    A very Happy New Year to you, your family and all your readers.

    1. The Torah stitching sounds wonderful. Hope your Christmas was good to, Margie xxx


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