Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Saturday In Salford

 I believe it is an old Dutch proverb which says "If you have two pennies, spend one on bread and the other on a flower. The bread will sustain life. The flower will give you a reason to live."

Steph took George to the Van Gogh Alive exhibition in Manchester on Saturday.[do click on the link to see the amazing pictures] They went early, and had breakfast there. My grandson clearly understands the principle behind the proverb!

I suspect he considers that bread-as-toast is a good reason to live, as well as flowers-as-artworks

I know that up there in the north it can be cold and wet,  Steph sent me a picture of this traffic information sign, it says
Who is Carl? Jung, Gauss, Sagan...or is it that well known driver Carl Lewis Hamilton? [His parents named him after the sprinter Carl Lewis - then swapped the names around]


  1. I would be wondering - Who is Carl too? Don't think it's my nephew as he lives in Hertfordshire!

  2. Love the look on George's face as he bites into his toast.

  3. Aww ... look at George biting into his toast after some very careful examination, so precious.

    I wonder if it was a short-sighted sign writer in the control room or if it's just another way to make you pay more attention to the sign. Someone once queried why so many of our signs on the M6 say 'This Sign is Not in Use' and the answer was to show you the sign is there and that it is working. Seems sensible but I was baffled for a long time until I found out.

    1. I was always amused by the page in the set of test papers which said "This sheet is intentionally left blank"

  4. https://c.tenor.com/VFQfknadAl8AAAAC/carl-chef-kiss.gif

  5. I saw one of those signs once that said "Bit Blowy, Get your big coat out" made me smile for the rest of the trip

  6. We hope to take Pip to the Van Gogh exhibition before it closes but what with health issues and the Omicron variant everything is a bit up in the air at the moment. That sign had me chuckling though, someone will take a ribbing for making that error 😂. Your memory bear is just lovely and I'm sure will be greatly appreciated and a real comfort to your Aunty Peggy xx

    1. Steph says the VGA exhibition is excellent - so I hope you can go

  7. Well, Karl is obviously a very carlful driver.

  8. I'd say George was very happy with his toast! I think, with such adverse weather, I'd be happy to let Carl drive! :D

  9. Maybe the E just doesn't work on the sign and it was meant to read: Drive with CARE. Love your blog. Jane

    1. I suspect you're right. Now I'm pondering "what if another component had failed?" It might have said DRIVE WITH CAPE. (like Superman) Or possibly DRIVE WITH EARL (Prince Edward?)

    2. Or even worse....Drive with Carp!!! Smelly!

    3. Not if the Carp is fresh. For my Polish friends, it is traditional to eat carp on Christmas Eve 🐟


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