Friday 27 January 2023

A Word In Your Ear

I am genuinely overwhelmed with gratitude for all the comments on Wednesday's post about vertigo.
So many of you have shared your own experiences, and tips on managing the condition, and the benefits of the different exercises  UPDATE -please note that FD has now added her link to useful exercises at the bottom of the comments 
This is when The Blog shows its worth - having friends out there who will sympathise, and support each other through difficult moments. Such friendships are very precious
Because of some nasty trolls, I removed the 'automatic' feature of the comments section - and I am sorry that has made it harder for some people to share their kind words. But I do try to check throughout the day and respond.  When people [such as Val yesterday] take the trouble to write a very full, informative comment, it is important to acknowledge their thoughtfulness.

It has been a strange week - we had set aside three clear days to do some redecorating, and various things got in the way of that [not just my health issues] .I was relegated to sitting on the floor priming the skirting boards. It seemed unwise for me to stand on the work platform and attempt anything high - the potential damage which could be caused by a small dizzy woman falling over with a pot of paint did not bear thinking about!
Preparation is half the battle- we took down the Rogues Gallery of family photos, and emptied and cleared the little bookshelf, and rolled up the runner, first thing Monday morning. All that created a cloud of dust for Bob to sweep up. And here's the dining area before we started.
The doors are mismatched, and the door surrounds, skirting boards and loft hatch have been unfinished wood since at least 2008 [we bought this place in 2009]
I'm hoping that now my vertigo is subsiding, I will be able to help Bob complete the work by Saturday night. He has been working doubly hard.
But thank you again, everybody, for your genuine concern!


  1. Looks like a lot of renovations are being made! Hope you are feeling better and yes, do stay off ladders, etc. while you are experiencing vertigo!

  2. Don't be tempted to overdo the bending and stretching and certainly no ceiling painting which requires leaning back. I was grateful for Val' s post yesterday. I didn't know about CC but will give it some thought since I don't like doing Epley on my own.Good weekend to you Ang and Bob.

    1. I'm leaving all the high stuff to the tall guy.! Yes, Vals post was great!

  3. Take it fairly easy for a while Angela. Th problem is with vertigo that it gives little warning. I am loving my newly decorated sitting room now, with furniture back in place. It's the season for decorating I think.

    1. How I'd love to visit and see how fresh and bright it looks!

  4. Angela,
    Vertigo is one of Edwin's problems, he had not had an attack for quite a while, till he had to have his ears syringed.....never again..the chap at the hearing centre told him never to have them syringed with water again but to use medical olive oil a couple of times a week to keep the wax soft.

  5. That's another helpful piece of advice. I've never ever had my ears syringed, but will bear the oil v. water tip if I do. Thanks

  6. Glad you are starting to feel better x
    Alison in Wales x

  7. You are wise to avoid ladders, etc. at this stage! Looking up can cause dizziness as well, I've found. I hope the decorating goes well. You will both be very happy with the new fresh look.

    1. "new&fresh" is definitely the look we're going for 😊

  8. It's such good news that you're feeling better!
    Had to chuckle at the wisdom of your sitting on the floor to paint the bseboards rather than take a chance on falling with our without the bucket of paint!


  9. Here's the link.
    I find these exercises helpful. I can't kneel so I stand close to the bed and drop my head onto the bed. The explanation of why it all happens is good too. Love FD xx

  10. My daughter had 4 months off work about 3 years ago with the kind of vertigo that lots of people have described. She was distraught and that didn’t help but gradually she was able to return. When Covid struck her a year ago many of the symptoms returned and sadly she has long covid as a result. What I am trying to say in a long winded fashion is-take care and be gentle with yourself so that you recover well.x Catriona

    1. I am so sorry that she has Long Covid - this has affected so many people in different ways. I'm trying to be sensible and not rush back into being over-busy

  11. good that you are feeling a bit better, but like the others mentioned vertigo has a nasty habit of popping up when you least expect it.

    1. Much better now, thanks - but "forewarned is forearmed" as they say


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