Tuesday 24 January 2023

Well, Bless My Sole!

In the recent saga of the Walking Boots, Sue reminded me to hang on to the laces of the old ones. She's right - new laces are costly. But there is always a dilemma with old shoes - what do I do with them? Clothes with a reasonable amount of wear can go to the CS. If very worn, I might salvage buttons, zips and some fabric. And the leftovers can go into Bob's workshop rag bag. But shoes? I wear mine till there is no wear left in them. Having removed the laces, is landfill the only option?
I checked out "recycling old shoes" online. There are some amazingly creative people out there...

Some of these are just a little too quirky for me. That brown pair with eyes and mouths are rather disturbing. The duck is fun, as is the welly-dog. Four are glorified flowerpots [I keep my plants in Royal mugs!] The baby shoe pincushion is cute, and useful [but I don't need any more pincushions]
I would like to find a good way of recycling shoes though - it would surely help to reduce my carbon footprint! 


  1. You can recycle boots and shoes in any condition at Cotswold Outdoor, under their 'Recycle My Gear' scheme. Details on their website. Pam

    1. I really must visit Cotswold Outdoor sometime, after so many positive comments.

  2. How about filling them with earth and planting strawberries πŸ“ in them?

    1. Now that's an interesting suggestion πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“

  3. In Dorset the Air Ambulance has shoe banks dotted around in village hall car parks, or similar. Is there nothing like that in Norfolk? Hope your new shoes are comfy and serve you well. Sandra.

    1. I think there are some in Norwich - but if shoes are utterly beyond wear, is it still OK to put them in the shoe banks? Or is that "wish cycling"?

  4. Those are all very creative ways to reuse shoes! I really like the baby shoe pin cushion! I did an online search for recycling old shoes and apparently, there are several companies that will recycle old shoes and break them down into components that can be used in various ways. Good to know!

  5. This company http://www.recyclatex.co.uk/ are doing lots of work in this area, and work in partnership with stores like Schuh and Clark’s to implement shoe recycling schemes! (And they’re from Manchester, of course!)

    1. Thank you Steph - perhaps I should houkd bring a bag of old shoes when I next visit you!

  6. I've wondered about this too as CBC has a pair of walking boots where one of the soles parted ways with the shoe and our cobbler said he couldn't do anything with them. It seems a shame as the majority of the boot is sturdy and intact! Not sure! Kxx

    1. That does seem a shame. Perhaps another cobbler might respond differently (if you can find one, that is!)

  7. When I worked at all the charity shops that I managed we would send shoes with no life left in them on to the recyclers. Use the banks that specifically say they take clothes AND shoes at your local supermarket or recycling centre. Try and either tie them together or put an elastic band around them, so that they stay as a pair.

    I planted leeks and flowers in all my old wellies back in my smallholding days. :-)

    1. Thanks, Sue, for the reminder about keeping them in pairs when donating them!

  8. it's so strange at times what people do to recycle things? Very creative, but not for me....

  9. Shoes and boots are a problem, unlike clothing that can at least be made into rags or if good, recycled into all kinds of clever sewing projects. I did once cut off the good leg parts of a pair of boots and eventually used the leather for elbow patches for a heavy sweater of DH's. As for clever crafty boot ornaments, I've got enough "stuff", thank you, as have many of us!


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