Tuesday 3 January 2023


In 2020 I chose inspire, in 2021 it was adventure, and in 2022 it was look again.

So I thought long and hard about my Word of The Year for 2023. Was there anything in 2022 which had gone well, which might be a starting point for my theme? It was pretty obvious really...
Since January, I have been exchanging a parcel of stitching each month with Kirsten. It has become my standard answer when anyone asks me what craft work I am currently working on "Oh, I'm doing a collaborative needlework project with another blogger from Sussex" I say [It sounds much more classy than 'me and my mate send bits of linen through the post to each other"] K&I barely knew each other before this began, but over the year have become good friends [yet to meet in person]
But the whole sharing and working together has made the project brilliant. I know we have picked up techniques, and exchanged ideas. The dictionary defines collaboration as "the action of working with someone to produce something"
I found this 

Seven Keys to Creative Collaboration

  • It's voluntary. [Forced collaboration isn't collaboration]
  • People are dependable
  • There's trust and vulnerability
  • The structure is loose  - but there is a structure
  • We share a vision
  • The ability to not always take things seriously
  • We embrace candour and conflict.
Our "Postcard Project" has certainly revealed many of these things [fortunately no conflict]

Like cogs working together, there must be planning, support, help, trust, teamwork and togetherness if a collaboration is to achieve success. And like the cogs in a well-oiled machine, there are times when one will carry a bigger load, another will spin faster, and yet another may feel they are going in the opposite direction - but if all mess smoothly as they should , things will work.
Already this year I have found situations where I am needing to collaborate with others
  • with friends at church as we plan for another Holiday Club [even in retirement, this is on the calendar for Bob and myself] We will collaborate to make it the best we can,
  • as we seek to help an elderly neighbour, we are collaborating with friends and family members to support her through a difficult patch
  • obviously we collaborate with our daughters as they are seeking to be good parents to our four darling grandchildren. Not to tell them what to do, judge their parenting styles, or burden them with unworkable advice- but to be there to help when needed. Hilary Clinton's book "It takes a Village" [to raise a child] made the point that it is hard work bringing up little ones, and we all have a responsibility.
There will be other timers, other opportunities for collaboration I am sure.
Bob and the girls will tell you that I am an independent, often obstinate woman - reluctant at times to accept the help I'm offered "No I can do it myself!" I need to learn to collaborate more, to share the load. "Teamwork makes the dream work, Grandma" says Rosie.
Let's see where this one takes us...
There's still time to comment on the 4000000 Giveaway post!


  1. When we join together in doing small, positive things, the results can be very special. Love Isabel

    1. That is very true , thanks Isabel ❤️

  2. I always enjoy your word of the year and "collaboration" will keep me thinking.

  3. There was an interesting article in The Guardian yesterday about the concept of 'social recession', supported by a lot of research (mainly in the US), that there has been a marked decline in collaborative activities and collaborative social engagement over several decades. The article did not seem to have any answers but my suspicion is that in due course there will be a reaction to this and we will need to collaborate more because of other socio-economic changes we are heading towards. Too complex to go into for a blog comment!

    1. I shall check out that article. Maybe after the 'separation years' of the pandemic, folk will rediscover the joy of being together again,

  4. That's a great word of the year! I considered a few, including "aspire" (which I used instead of resolutions, this year) and chose "journey" as my word of the year, as in "Life is a journey".

  5. Collaboration is an excellent choice for 2023 and hopefully you will find some willing collaborators for all the activities you undertake. Hope this comment posts today as Google must have eaten yesterdays! Catriona

    1. Thanks Catriona - there's no sign of any comments from you yesterday, I just checked again. Blame the internet!!

  6. That's a great word and something at which I can do a better job. Sometimes, I find it easier to do it myself, but that doesn't build community.

    1. I suspect that you sometimes suffer from the problem that easily affect the Pastor's Spouse - you see a job which needs doing, and know you have the gifts and abilities to do it yourself, so you do [telling yourself it will be quicker, you know it will get done, and get done properly] It is often hard to learn that we must encourage others to share the task with us - to properly 'disciple' others, and help them discover their God-given gifts. Even if that sometimes means waiting a little longer for results, and accepting things are not quite as we would have done them. And learning humility when often others do a much better job than we thought we could do!!! God guide and bless your ministry in the year ahead, Terri

    2. PS I loved your "the Dog Walker and the Church Manger" anecdote

    3. My husband is great at delegating and getting others to do things. I'm good with it if I can rely on the person and know they'll do a good job. But it's harder for me when they drop the ball on something or are unreliable. But I'm trying to be better. Dan often reminds me that our job is to train others and give them space to use their gifts; not do all the ministry ourselves.

    4. How I'd love to meet you and Dan for coffee, and swap stories 😘

    5. That would be wonderful! :-)

    6. If only there wasn't a large ocean separating us 😉❤️

  7. Great word! I love that you've looked at this year's activities to find your word! Kxx

    1. On the topic of turning down offers of help… The only sermon I have ever remembered for longer than a day or two came when our vicar was annoyed when a very active member of the church was ill and did not tell anyone. It was only when he greeted her husband (a non-churchgoer) in the supermarket that he found out she was ill and he was berated for not even coming to see her. He asked her husband if he’d told anyone at the church about her illness and was told “No”. In his sermon he said that it was our Christian duty to give, but in order for one to give another must be willing to receive. He said it was our Christian duty to receive, otherwise we were depriving another Christian of performing their duty to give. It has made me much more willing to accept help and even to ASK for help instead of struggling.

  8. Collaboration is a good word, I have no idea what I would choose for a word of the year. My mind is blank!!

  9. Collaboration is a great word - we all need each other to create a welcoming world.
    My word last year was "Letting go" and I let go of a dear friend, a doctor who resigned and a priest who was moved and even the Queen who had been there throughout all those years. I also let go of some things that were offered in my e-mail, - worthwhile zoom events and such that I just didn't have the energy to add to my life. This year the word "commitment" came to mind. I will see how this works out!

    1. "Letting go" was a great choice. "commitment" is pretty challenging

  10. Yours is a very appropriate word choice for these times. I selected "health", very self focused but I've been struggling with some health issues and getting my aging body back in shape! I wish you success in your collaborations. Thank you for such positivity and thoughtfulness in your blogging.

  11. Collaboration is such an underused word & value. True collaboration brings such richness. Great choice!


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