Sunday 19 February 2023

Brave Blue Blooms

That mysterious pot of bulbs from behind the summer house has started to bloom. They are blue hyacinths. Their leaves are rich and green and strong. But they are very meagre blooms - not the dense elongated head we usually find, just a few of the waxy little flowers on each of the three stems. Yet they still have their distinctive sweet perfume, even though they are small 

I found a poem on line, I cannot track the author, I believe it is someone called Courtney. I hope she will not mind that I have shared her words here.

We all need to be reminded of 'the glorious fragrance of Hope' when winter seems particularly bitter.

Peeking up from the soil
while the world is
still cold and dark,
some might say
you are brave
and strong.
But I wonder
if it's only this:
you know who you are
and that you were made
for exactly this reason--
to soften the bitter edge of winter
with the glorious fragrance of Hope,
reminding every weary soul
that all is not lost.


  1. Pot grown hyacinths that have been forced rarely flower a second time satisfactorily. Hyacinths grown outdoors either in a bed or in a container (if treated well) will do much better. The plants in the poem seem to know this!

    1. Thanks for this information Philip. I think this pot was a gift (and probably "forced") and I confess they were not treated well, but left languishing in a corner after they finished flowering. Having tried to learn how to grow veg last year, this year I shall try harder with flowers!

  2. Beautiful poem-thank you for sharing. Catriona

  3. Well, at least they bloomed, even though you didn't fuss over them. :) Maybe give them a little TLC this year and they might do better, next year.

  4. You can still plant them in a corner of the garden, as often they will flower again next year. I have some that are three years old still flowering, small but pretty.

  5. At this time of year I always have bowls of hyacinths. They remind me of my lovely,gentle gran, who grew them indoors. Granda was the Gardner, but at the darkest time of the year she filled their home with beauty and fragrance.

    1. Perfume can evoke special memories of loved ones

  6. Forgot the hyacinth memory comes love Isabel

  7. Lovely poem. This year I'm hoping to make it a 'year of flowers too' x
    Alison in Wales x

  8. I love blue hyacinth and I love the perfume of all hyacinth. We used to have a couple which came with the garden but they eventually died out as I had no idea how to encourage their growth. You will do better! JanF

  9. How exciting to see the flowers, however small. I love the poem, too.


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