Wednesday 15 March 2023

Thank You

I am so grateful to all of you for your kind words on yesterday's post. Things are very busy round here right now - all the family issues to be sorted out, and continuing preparation for the Holiday Club in Easter Week, plus a service to prepare for this coming Mothering Sunday at a local chapel. And the housework is piling up, and the garden needs tending, and, and ... I'll get back to proper blogging shortly!


  1. Your blogging prowess is one we all admire- we can wait- take care of yourself and your family first. Kxx

  2. Thinking about you while you sort everything out. Don't worry, I think we all know you will be back when you can. Take care. Love Isabel

  3. Sounds like you are super busy, Angela; maybe time to delegate some of your tasks to others?

  4. Definitely delegating (and deleting) some stuff on the to-do list!

  5. Just take it steady, look after you and your family first. We will still be here x

  6. Please put yourself and family top of the priority list. Sorry to hear your sad news. You are always so busy helping others, now seems like a time to think of your own needs. Take care .

    1. Thank you Christine. Much love to you two (& E.)

  7. It's your second busiest time of the year at church just now, so there's absolutely no need to worry about blogging every day. As long as we all know that you are happy and well, that's all the really matters.

  8. With all there is to do, don't forget to be good to you and rest (or say "no"!) when needed.


  9. You are in my prayers, also Julian. It must be so hard for him to lose his grandmother, and his mother not so long ago.

  10. Was just catching up on your blog, so I'm a day behind. I'm very sorry for the passing of your aunt. I know that she, and Gil, are very special to you. My condolences.

    1. Thanks, Celie, I know you understand how I am feeling


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