Friday 18 June 2010

The Word For Today

I just had an email from a Christian Booksellers, advertising this

fashionable NIV

NIV Craft Paper Pink Paisley Hardback Bible

  • Fashionable NIV Bible with unique binding
  • 8-page full colour map section
  • Extra-thin edition


“Fashionable” Bible? What is that all about?

“Extra Thin Edition” Which important passages have they omitted?


  1. Oh no, not another Bible! I just can't imagine just becoming a new Christian today...what Bible do I choose?!? There was a time when there was only 1 version and many were thankful to get their hands on that one.
    Not to mention some of the "new versions and translations" how they have strayed from the truth. Well, that's a whole other issue! :-)

    Have a blessed weekend!

  2. I'm sure you could design some much more attractive covers from the great stash... just buy a standard NIV and fashion a cover to go with every Sunday outift... or not ;-)

  3. PS, Assuming it was the same bookseller, did you spot the title of one underneath it? Would you want to call yourself a 'God chick'?!

  4. I had that e-mail too. Jesus did not come to start an industry - and it's about time we woke up to that.

  5. Wouldn't the extra-thin edition have such small print making it difficult to read??


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