Tuesday 14 May 2024

Beans, Beds, and Buckets

 The garden is coming along nicely. Just a few pictures to share with you
Moving clockwise : Top left, the raised bed - with potatoes, broad beans, salad leaves, and courgettes.* Top right, my new mini raised bed. Bob found some "pallet collars" at the Wiveton Junkyard. They are usually around £20 each, these were two for £15. The Range were selling 4 bags of topsoil/compost for £10, so this worked out quite cheaply [it measures 1200x 800mm] Currently I've sown salad leaves in one half. I'm keeping the other half covered till I get round to putting stuff in it. Bottom right, my potatoes are growing in their buckets alongside the smart new fence. And finally, my weird, triffid-like Egyptian Walking Onions. 
We are enjoying the radishes and salad leaves... I hope to have spuds before too long. There are beans and tomatoes in the mini greenhouse. Lots of herbs on the patio, and some flowers too. 
*Garden Club was much better last week. I sat with my friend Judy, who introduced me to her neighbour, who offered me some courgettes. She brought them round a few days later "can I have the tray back though, please?" Once I'd planted them out, I realised I didn't know where she lived. So I went round to Judy's [she has a phenomenal garden] and she gave me Jean's address. After a good chat, and some helpful tips, I went on to Jean's and returned the tray along with little jar of homemade chutney.
French dwarf beans on the kitchen windowsill. Zut Alors!


  1. Your garden is looking as though it will be very productive. I've planted a few things on the balcony. We shall see how they grow. I'm not very green fingered! Love FD xx

  2. Until three years ago, I struggled to grow cress on a flannel - but with the help of family, friends (plus Huw & Monty) I have learned so much!

  3. I'm sure Monty has been immensely helpful! You are doing so well.

    1. I just found his desert island discs (10 years ago) on BBC IPLAYER. A really interesting story

  4. It is all looking very productive and lush. Nothing like newly harvested produce is there? The taste of newly dug potatoes is a revelation I think. The waking onions do look like an alien species. Regards Sue H

  5. It's looking lovely, although the 'walking onions' are very strange! It sounds like you have a good bartering system going on in Garden Club. :-)

    1. I'm still not sure about those triffid like onions

  6. Always nice to see pics of homegrown stuff doing well. Those onions are so unusual!
    Alison in Wales x

  7. Bob recently pointed out how much more relaxed i've been about the gardening this year. I guess practice brings confidence

  8. You are now a gardener and looks like you’ll be having a good harvest this year. Catriona

  9. I think I'd be freaked out by those walking onions! The rest of your produce looks great.

    1. They are the oddest thing, but a great talking point

  10. It's looking very good. I've broad beans doing well but peas are being eaten by slugs...boo....

    1. Mice ate my peas last year. Haven't attempted them this year

  11. Your garden is looking great!

    1. Thanks Bless. I hope your Internet connection is working properly again!


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