Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Thank You For Visiting

 Sometime on Star Wars Day, this blog reached another milestone
It is encouraging that people are still reading after sixteen years - at the beginning I said I'd stop writing if nobody bothered to view. I know some just follow, whilst others have their own blogs. There is definitely a growing group of us who all read each other's blogs. We ought to call ourselves "Some Sues and friends". I love the interaction in the comments and via email - I've learned so much from others, and made so many new friends across the globe. I'm overwhelmed at times by people's kindness towards myself and my family. So thank you to all of you. God bless you. 


  1. Oh my word! This is world domination Ang! Congratulations!

    1. Am I an "influencer"now? 😉

    2. You influence me! I read every day, and also follow Weave. and the Sues, and most of the rest!
      I don't have a blog, and find it almost impossible to comment from my cell phone which is where I usually read your blog.
      Your words are always interesting, uplifting or informative!

    3. Thank you Slimsdotter

  2. And straight back to you, Ang. I am amazed that you think of something interesting each day. Craft Group today-big girl pants on!! Catriona

  3. Thank you for your blog. I always find it interesting and have learnt many new things. I do not have a blog but but feel privileged that I can follow yours and others. God bless you and yours and I am so pleased you have continued to write your blog. Regards Sue H

    1. Thank you Sue. I value your thoughtful comments

  4. What a wonderful milestone to have reached! I've enjoyed reading your blog over the past several years. :)

  5. Congratulations on achieving another blogging milestone. :)

  6. Congratulations, what a brilliant milestone Just like your blog, which is always full of encouraging words and optimism, and is a real safe space in the wacky world of the internet.

    With lots of love from 'one of the Sue's '. :-)

    1. Thank you Sue - and thanks for letting r your blog!

  7. Congratulations on 5+ million views. I have been following your blog since just before your move to Dorset and enjoy all your hints, tips and recipes. Such a miscellany of useful information.

  8. Congratulations! I've really enjoyed a glimpse into the English life I left so long ago. Your posts often bring back memories and create nostalgia!

  9. I love reading your blog and have followed your adventures throughout. I need my daily dose of Tracing Rainbows. Xx

  10. How wonderful! May you enjoy blogging and your blogging friends for many more happy years! JanF

  11. Wowser- that's some following. Definitely an influencer!

  12. It's slightly terrifying

  13. Can't think of a better person to call an influencer than you. Influencing people with kindness, humour and affection. Congrats.

  14. Congratulations on so many views! I read your blog most days, and when I miss one I always catch up.

  15. That's wonderful, Angela! Congratulations!!

    1. Thanks Terri - I really appreciate your blog!

  16. I also enjoy your blog and the lovely normality of it. I understand what you are writing about unlike many other blogs that are completely foreign to me. At last we have some sun in Dorset, the cow parsley and buttercups are out, all is beautiful. Sandra.

    1. Thank you Sandra - I'm glad you enjoy reading the blog

  17. Your blog is the most informative and varied that I read! I'm always amazed at the gems you impart...and laugh at your puns!😁 Kx


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