Monday 20 May 2024

Wild Oats!

There were some oats left in the bottom of the jar. More than enough for two bowls of porridge, not enough for four. I used it all up, served our two bowls for breakfast then left the remainder to cool. Then I made Porridge Bread with this recipe. It came out looking just like the picture in the recipe [always a good sign !] 
It sliced well and tasted good. We toasted some - and I have to say that when it's warm, it does have a "porridgey" taste. 
Apparently, making porridge bread with leftovers is a recognised thing, among the Zero-Waste cooks. Although I enjoyed it, I'm not sure I will make it again!


  1. Mmmm, I feel like a bowl of porridge! I'm intrigued by the bread. What is your main reason for not making it again? Kx

    1. I am not going to make 'leftover' porridge deliberately, as I didn't really feel it was that splendid. But maybe next time I get to the end of the pack I will.

  2. Your bread looks good! I don't like porridge (or oatmeal as it is usually called here), so there won't be any leftover porridge to turn into bread. But, it's good to try new recipes. :)

  3. Do you remember The Clangers? Your porridge bread sounds a little like their Blue string Pudding!!

    1. I'd forgotten them. A wonderful show - I think Michael Palin was an inspired choice to narrate the more recent series in place of the inspirational Oliver Postgate who did it first time round. OP's son Dan was heavily involved in the recent productions.

  4. I have not heard of this before but after reading your post looked up a recipe or two on line. I love porridge but not sure if I would like this. We are currently enjoying sour dough bread, home made. Some times I make a good loaf and some times not, all a bit of a guessing game. I find sour dough makes me feel less bloated and I'm trying not to eat too much bread just one slice for breakfast. Isn't it great when a recipe looks like the one in a cookery book, that rarely happens for me! Regards Sue H

    1. I have never had the discipline to manage a sourdough routine, although I enjoy eating it, and I think it is better for one's digestion. I was interested in the "sourfaux" scandal where artisanal bakers took Lidl to court at the end of last year, because they were selling a 'sourdough' loaf made with regular baker's yeast. Trading Standards ruled in their favour, and it is now called "Crusty Wheat and Rye Bloomer".

  5. I eat porridge every day but not sure I would like the bread. I have sometimes made bread with some oats in it and also banana and oatmeal pancakes. I’m gardening this morning to try and finish off tidying the borders . Catriona

    1. I've done banana pancakes - but not with oatmeal.

  6. Ooh, I've never tried Porridge Bread I might have to give that a go. I tend to make leftover porridge into porridge pancakes. Literally just cooking dollops of cold porridge in a frying pan with a bit of butter. Very tasty.

  7. That looks good. I looked up recipes and found one for home made kefir bread as an alternative to sourdough. We have kept the kefir going for three years now.

    1. Well done - maintaining these 'live' cultures is difficult

  8. Your bread certainly looks the part. I've made bread with a few oats bunged in and was not that impressed but potato it, and toasts well.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Not done potato bread yet - but my potato plants are looking good, so if the harvest is plentiful...

  9. I make oatmeal muffins almost every week but vary what I put in them, sometimes walnuts, sometimes raisins and so forth. My recipe is half oatmeal and half plain flour. I have not tried oatmeal in bread! JanF

    1. The muffins sound tasty - and healthy too!

  10. The last, and only, time I made bread I was a young teenager. I saw a recipe in a teen magazine for bread made in an old coffee can. It came out so-so. My parents ate it but I'm sure they were just being kind! I eat very little bread. I can buy a half loaf at the bakery, which will last me a couple of weeks in the fridge.

    1. I eat a lot of bread - half a loaf would only last me 3 days

  11. It looks delicious and I'm sure the toast is great. Not feeling like making bread, it's 30°C right now!

  12. Tried out various bread recipes recently but the winner so far is Paul Hollywood's Bloomer from his book! (Unfortunately because I'm not a fan of his!)


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