Thursday 23 May 2024

Holiday Update #2

Journey to St Pancras efficient, uneventful. Lunch with Liz utterly delightful. Eurostar excellent. Thanks to advice from Fat Dormouse we have been able to load tickets to our phones enabling easy bus and metro travel. So straight out of station, and onto bus, which stopped right opposite our hotel.
Room has everything we need, 4th floor, good views. Comfortable bed. Surprised by sheets and blanket. Maybe these are easier to launder than duvets if there are bedbug issues? Breakfast buffet varied and delicious
Wednesday evening we had a little stroll then relaxed. Slept very well. 
Thursday we saw Notre Dame, a Museum and a few more things. Full report once we are home and I can edit photos on pc. I'm keeping a travel journal, thoughtfully supplied by a very good friend, so will have good notes for future blogposts. Currently weather and food both very good. Bob's back pain is limiting the amount of walking but we are still having a fabulous time. Thank you all for kind remarks. 


  1. Glad all is well so the back.x

  2. Always good to have a visit with a family member when you are setting out! I hope Bob's back eases up.

  3. I was sure your wedding anniversary was in August but now I’ve caught up with a few blog posts, I understand why you’ve brought the celebrations forward. I hope the holiday continues well. Back pain is not easy so I’m thinking of you both. Nicky K

    1. Paris already fearing up for the Olympics, it will be so much busier [and hotter] later

  4. Hope you continue to have a lovely holiday.

  5. Sounds like you are off to a good start!

  6. Sorry to hear Bob’s back is troubling him- he has my sympathies. It’s lovely to be in Paris when the weather is not so hot and maybe not as busy. Catriona

  7. The last time I went to Paris was in 1997. My OH has been many times since for work, from our holiday cottage after I retired. Getting up at 5.00am I would drive him to Tours to get the TGV to Paris then I would pick him up again at 9pm.
    Now we are retired we never seem to find the time to go back. It's probably a nice time of year to be there. I look forward to hearing more about it!
    We really must make the effort ourselves. It's only three hours away so there is no real excuse!

  8. It is a good time, not too hot, not too busy. Our hotel is at Place de Clichy


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