Friday 31 May 2024

Take It With A Pinch Of [Sea] Salt

 A couple of weeks ago,  I posted about mending my favourite yellow SeaSalt Jacket, by taking one of the pockets to use as fabric for patching. I subsequently had an email from one of the Sues, thanking me for the tip. She'd subsequently been able to fix her favourite linen Seasalt dress by using the pocket.
I'd just ordered some socks [gifts] and a belt in the SeaSalt 80% off sale, and replied to Sue's messaging telling her about this.
I went off to Paris, thinking no more about this, and was expecting to find a parcel on my return. It was not here. But when I checked my emails, there was one from Sue, warning me it was all a scam.
Am I embarrassed to be caught out in this one! I am usually so careful about these things. I have bought goods in their genuine sale in the past - and I just did not check it clearly. It was a fake site and I completely fell for it.I am so grateful to Sue for alerting me to this. I checked my credit card transactions, and there was the right amount - to an unrecognised company.
I rang M&S who provide my card.The woman was so helpful - when I read out the name, she said "oh, yes, we are investigating that one, they've caught a lot of people out" . Because they have my card details, that has been cancelled and I will get a new one in the post shortly. Fortunately there have been no dodgy transactions on the card in the past fortnight, but maybe they wait a while before trying anything.
So please don't get caught out like I did. I'm not the sort of woman who buys off the internet late at night and ends up with a lot of pointless purchases. I thought I was genuinely thriftily stocking up on quality stocking fillers, well ahead of the Christmas rush. I feel really stupid.
If you are scrolling through Facebook, and you see an ad for a company you know and trust - do not make the same mistake as I did, and click on the link to the website.Go directly to the genuine store site from your browser, to see if this is a true sale offer. Seasalt of Falmouth are really upset that this fake website has been conning people. Especially that the ad implies they are selling off stock 'because they are closing stores and going 100% online when in fact they are planning on expanding their High Street Presence.
I hate to admit I have been an idiot - but if this stops even just one other blogfriend being caught out, I'll put up with the red face.  Thank you again, Sue, for alerting me.


  1. Replies
    1. I'm so sorry. Hope your card provider has been as helpful as mine.

  2. Thanks for that Angela,I think I have been caught by a mock Pavers sight.My card is M and S too so will make contact with them.

  3. Thank goodness you got your card cancelled, it wasn't me who alerted you but another Sue and I'm now glad once more that I don't do facebook except for groups

    1. Oh, and I meant to mention it wasn't you - I'm still not getting alerted to your posts, and I suspect there are a lot of your other loyal fans who are wondering what's happened!!

  4. Well I was busy making up an order but the site kept crashing, so I had a think and remembered that I now have three dresses I haven't yet worn so decided to abandon it. Glad I did but I am sorry that you were caught out. Good to hear you have your money back. The old saying, if it seems too good to be true then it probably isn't springs to mind.

    1. Exactly. I'm not usually this gullible

  5. My husband saw the advert and suggested I might be interested but I noticed it looked the same as a scam for Joules last year. Fortunately at that time I asked my daughter if she would like anything and she realised it was a scam.

  6. I saw the ad and decided if it looked too good to be true .....etc. So sorry you got caught. Our local shop is very upset about the number of people who say they were scammed.

  7. I thought this looked dodgy so sent it to our Trading Standards people who confirmed it was a scam. They also posted on our Council FB page to warn others.Thanks for alerting everyone on here and the time our M and S card was hacked they were very speedy in sorting it out. The thieves had bought small things first and then went for the 60” television which was what triggered the alert. The nuisance was it was Christmas Eve so it took two weeks to get replacement cards. Catriona

    1. I may put something on our village FB group

  8. Sorry to hear that you have been scammed. These people are very clever. I feel for Sea Salt, it affects their reputation.

  9. It's getting worse! I had to contact my pension provider by phone but we were cut off mid conversation. The person to whom I was talking then rang me back from a different number. When I questioned this I was told the number I used to call was only for incoming, the number he rang from was outgoing only. You don't know who to believe! Scammers are very clever (and bad) people.

    1. We had a bizarre call claiming to be from a London police station and regarding an alleged "stolen identity" issue. Bob promptly hung up & rang our local police who were really good. I feel for older people who get caught out (oh hang on, that's me. I'm an OAP granny!!)

  10. It is so easy to make these mistakes! I'm glad you were able to get your credit card cancelled and a new one issued.

  11. I made a similar mistake but with paying for a parking ticket and accidently clicking onto a advert that flashed up instead of the car park site. Two amounts were taken from my M&S card, before I realised and put a stop to it, so I now have a new M&S card too and had to have the old one cancelled. They are everywhere these scammers, it's ridiculous.

    Love from yet another of the Sue's. ;-)

    1. Paying for car parking is an utter pain these days!

  12. Our area code only covers a few villages, so when we got a call from a local number yesterday my husband thought nothing of answering it. He then got a recorded message advising him that our credit card had suspected fraudulent purchases on it. Scam call, obvious spoof number, but not everyone has caller i.d. or lives in a rural community not known for multi-national finance companies being based there. It is frightening.

  13. It never occurred to me that it was a scam. I was mildly surprised that the advert came up so often, but had decided to be very firm with myself and not even look, thank heavens. Your warning is very timely. So sorry for you and the others who were caught and for Seasalt.

  14. Goodness, what an audacious scam!
    Sorry to hear you were caught out but glad it is being sorted! I'd probably have been suspicious just because I know they put things into their eBay outlet when they become cheap (I bought my beloved Zennor Moor jumper from it on Boxing Day) Kx

    1. You are a SeaSalt regular, so would have smelled a rat instantly

  15. So glad you didn't lose anything from your credit card, and learned a valuable lesson to share with us all. It happens all over the world and I think the only way we can try to protect ourselves is to check, check and check, rather than click. I've had some really authentic looking e-mails from reputable organizations, as well as the obvious ones which are misspelled, but even when I am pretty sure it is the real thing, like our tax offices, I still go to the actual site and check. Also, where shopping is concerned, I almost fell for a great offer for bras for odd sizes, on one of my rare visits to Facebook, and when I checked on the internet, I learned that the business had dreadful reviews of wrong sizes being sent! It could have been a "boob booboo" for me!


  16. I got caught in a similar Facebook Hotter shoes scam several years ago . Fortunately my bank reimbursed the money and I replaced my debit card with a new one. Since then I’ve never accessed special offers via FB ads.

    Ann Johnston

    1. 👞👟👡 again, a very reputable company. It is so easy for the scammers to catch us unawares

  17. I reported this advert as a scam to FB. They replied saying it didn't violate any of their rules and so the ad could continue to be shown. But not to me, they've stopped it from being shown to me as I've complained!

    It makes me wonder how much worse it needs to be before they consider removing an ad.

    1. There was a feature on You and Yours on Radio 4 this week, and the presenter said the BBC had contacted FB but got no response! But it does seem as though hundreds were caught out

  18. A timely reminder to us all. I'm so sorry this happened to you but it shows how easily this type of scam can fool people. I hope everything is sorted for you and you have a new card and no dodgy transactions have appeared. Take care x

  19. Thank you. New card arrived safely a couple of days ago


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