Wednesday 15 May 2024

Back In The Saddle

The sunny weather has got me out on my bicycle. I love my ancient velocipede, with its pretty flower basket and ding-a-lying bell. In 2013, Liz gave me a Cath Kidston saddle cover. A beautiful rose print 6000 were given away in London to celebrate CK's company celebrating its 20th birthday. At the time the tag said "it would fade beautifully"
Mine has not only faded, but also started disintegrating. So I sat in the garden and took it to bits. I made a template from the old cover and thought about what to use for a new one. Among the fabrics from my dismantled patchwork was a heavier weight cotton with a bright summery print - originally flowers, bees and butterflies. I sewed the pieces randomly to make a rectangle. From that I cut the seat shape and edge strip. 

I took the sewing machine outside, and set to. When Bob got back from The Shed, I was just finishing the new saddle cover. It looks much more cheerful! 


  1. It looks great. Neighbours of ours came from rural Italy; they had a carport over the sunny side of the bungalow and she had everything outside, even her sewing machine and did all her sewing, ironing, vegetable preparing etc just as they still do in parts of Italy now.

    1. I am determined to enjoy the sunshine

  2. That looks lovely. Wishing you lots of sunny cycling days love Isabel

  3. I well remember you coming to our meet-up on your favourite means of transport - I was on my equally trusty trundle truck!

    1. That was a lovely morning at the garden centre in Dorset. Happy memories

  4. Well done! That looks great! Kx

    1. 👍 I'm not sure a cover would stay on a folding bike, otherwise I'd make one for you Kezzie (in a suitably Whovian or music fabric, naturally)

  5. Another thoughtful upcycle and so bright and cheerful. Catriona -

    1. Up-cycle would have been a good title for the post.Never thought of that...🚲

    2. That's shocking you didn't Ang!
      😂 Kx

  6. You are so inventive and creative. Up-cycle would have been a great title. You are certainly putting your new sewing machine to good use. Regards Sue H

    1. I'm loving it (but neglecting the housework in order to see sometimes)

  7. Susan From Across the Pond15 May 2024 at 11:28

    I like the idea of sewing together the bits to get a piece that's the size you need. Very lovely result accomplished on a delightful spring day.

    1. They were all originally from one piece, so I'm reuniting them

  8. Wow, impressive.
    Alison in Wales x

  9. That looks lovely, and will no doubt be a little bit more hardwearing than 'Cath's' was. :-)

    1. I've had Caths for 11 years. Not sure I will be cycling in my 80s!

  10. This is great, the fabric makes me think of the 60's! You will enjoy seeing your seat every time you approach your bike! JanF

    1. Yes it has a definite psychedelic/Quant vibe to it

  11. Im amazed that you took your sewing machine outside, but then I think the outdoors in England is a little more benign than here. I just don't trust our critters if you turned your back for long! Lovely new saddle cover!

    1. It is lovely being able to sew in the sunshine.

  12. As a teenager living at home I shared a bike with my mother. It was ancient with curved handlebars, we didn’t have a posh seat cover like yours but an old brown beret which had got wet so many times it had shrunk to the shape of the saddle!

  13. You did a great job with the new seat cover. Definitely upcycling! Never thought of taking my sewing machine outside to sew!


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