Saturday 4 May 2024

Star Wars* Day And The Aliens Have Landed

Thursday was a busy, but happy, day, and I had plans for Friday. But Friday was a very strange day. All sorts of things, both good and not so good happened to the family. Right now I'm still getting my head round it all. Don't worry, we're OK, and I will explain properly when I can. 
One thing on Friday's to-do list was to discover what the strange pink thing is, peeping over the fence of a house round the corner. I cannot work it out at all. But I did not have time to investigate properly. Is it Normal for Norfolk? Life's been quite surreal recently , so I wouldn't be surprised if it were an Extraterrestrial Visitor! 
*May The Fourth be with you 


  1. May the Fourth be with you, too, Angela!

  2. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‰♥️

  3. It looks like a giant pink wiffle ball. May the fourth be with you!

    1. It is a very strange object - and so very pink!

  4. I'm very curious about that pink object now too ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜„
    I'm not into Star Wars but OH is so I knew what you meant about the 'fourth' !
    Alison in Wales x

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you. An unexpected event rocked the boat a little. But we're ok...

  6. My first glance at the pink thing was a ball or some kind of helmet. Now not so sure! JanF

    1. It is quite big - about 4 feet wide I'd guess.

  7. I hope tomorrow brings joy and peace to you all.


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