Saturday 11 May 2024

There Is Nothing Like A Dane!

On Friday morning, I had some stuff to do in Norwich, and top of my list was to visit Søstrene Grene [pron; SOSS-tren-EH gren-EH] - a new Danish Homeware store opening in the city centre [at the bottom of the Market Place by Jarrolds] The name means "Green Sisters" and this is indeed a family company run by the Grene family - founded in 1973 -altho the 'sisters' Anna and Clara are fictional. 
I visited their Manchester store some years ago, and loved it. All the stores have a 'maze' layout [like IKEA] ensuring you pass through every section en route to the cash desks. 
Anna is the creative sister, with a highly developed sense of aesthetics, and Clara is practical and orderly. The store has sections for home decor, kitchen, crafts, garden, homewares, party goods, confectionery, and much more.
The prices are very reasonable, and the company prides itself on using sustainable, 
natural materials for its products, and the plastic goods are all made from recycled plastic. The store was quite busy when I entered [I was not one of the first 100 customers - they all received a free rug, and a goody bag] I had a lovely conversation with Vanessa the manager and a couple of other staff members. 
I think I was the first person they had spoken to who knew about SG and had shopped in another branch, Vanessa said that some people didn't come in because they thought it looked 'too expensive' Which is a shame - the prices are affordable
- and the products are good quality. 
I bought a lovely wooden nailbrush in Manchester before George was born, and it's lasting really well. 

Yesterday I bought some little bits and pieces - a wooden die for making paper flowerpots, some seed bags, and plant labels, a pack of double ended highlighters and [really random] some wax chips and a spoon. These last two are so I can use my wax seal again [like the Abbot on Shardlake]

And I bought a bag of almonds for Bob!
My journey back to the car park was lovely, I walked alongside the river in the bright sunshine. 
You can read more about Sostrene Grene here. There are about 16 stores across the UK, and new ones opening soon in Peterborough,Bury St Edmunds and London King's Cross. But if there are none near you, they now operate an online store too. 

Don't these colourful boats look tempting? 
Have you ever shopped in Søstrene Grene?



  1. I'm afraid I hate shopping, I do as little as poss. Also I'm the sort of customer who rushes in, grabs what I want and rushes out again.

  2. Probably not your sort of shop then!

  3. Love shopping there especially for paper napkins for Christmas/Easter/Spring/Sumer events.Really good quality and reasonable prices. Last week I bought a new tape measure as a treat to replace my mother's which must be at least 80 years old - it feels as if it may last as long!

    1. Thanks for such a positive recommendation. I think their seasonal ranges are good - I loved the way they decorated the Manchester store at Christmas

  4. What a lovely shop, just the sort I like... but none here in Wales, shame.

  5. I had not heard of them, but wish we had one in Cornwall!

  6. If they do well, they may open more stores

  7. I have never heard of them but would like to visit one for a browse. My husband liked the look of the dark chocolate almonds! What a lovely walk for you back to the car park. I Iove the river in Norwich, especially on a sunny day. Regards Sue H

  8. Lovely shop and heartening to see new shops opening instead of closing for good.

  9. Sounds like an interesting shop. I don't think we have one, here.

    1. I think they are all in Europe so far... But ikea is doing ok in the USA so maybe they will cross the pond eventually

  10. That looks like a very interesting and tempting shop. Must pay a visit next week.
    The shop I miss most in Norwich is Evolution. Such a lovely shop, always had such great items. I never left the shop empty handed!

  11. Lovely looking shop. Thanks for the link, there are lots of DIY items listed on the site under yarns and sewing. Looks like online for us in the southwest though

    1. The yarns FELT very nice (something you cannot tell from a website)

  12. We're very lucky to have two fairly local Søstrene Grene stores, one in Chester and the other in Liverpool.
    We can reach either store in less than 30 mins, which makes it a little too easy to buy more 'stuff' when we're supposed to be eliminating things from the bungalow!
    They do have lovely 'stuff' though, and at very good prices! X

    1. It is hard to manage the "one in one out" rule sometimes

  13. Not even heard of this place before, sounds great .
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I think you'd like it Alison (lovely glassware and packaging for your soaps and beauty balms...)

  14. I've never heard of this shop but if I'm ever in Norwich or Manchester I'll find it. We shop quite often at JYSK, they are like a small Ikea, reasonably priced and the items we have bought there have been well made and lasted. Have a great weekend. Xx

    1. We had a JYSK near us in Bournemouth, I occasionally found useful small homewares there. Enjoy your weekend!

  15. It is the kind of shop it is easy to end up with many small items even if you had no plan to buy anything :) We had one in our town, but it didn't go well enough and closed. But we have one in our neighbour town 30 minutes away.

    1. Yes, I can see that it would be easy to get carried away!

  16. We have one opening very soon in our town. I shall look forward to seeing it.

  17. That looks like an interesting store. They haven't made it across the "pond" yet, though.


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