Sunday 4 July 2010

One Thousand Thanks – and A Giveaway

I have now reached my ONE THOUSANDTH blogpost. Thank you to all of you out there who read the blog, and comment – either on the blog, by email or in person. I am still enjoying writing – and if you are still reading, I shall keep going.

one thousand

Since I began, I have been blessed in so many ways, and have so much for which I give thanks. So I am going to do another giveaway.

If you are up for a random selection of goodies, then please post a comment on this post by MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY JULY 7TH [UK time]


  1. Congratulations on reaching your 1000th post.
    Many begin, few sustain! You manage to combine honesty, news, humour and thoughtfulness... which is why I keep coming back.

    Here's to the next 1000....

  2. Oh my goodness 1000 posts ~ it will take me 20 years to get to that amount lol!!! Have a blessed day Marie x

  3. I am a transplanted Anglican ( originally from Coventry)who has made a life in Ontario Canada.
    I love your beautifully apt posts...yup! life IS like that.
    God's blessings

  4. Well done you!

  5. Happy 1000th! Wow! I'm so glad you are still enjoying writing your blog! I'll keep reading!

  6. Congratulations! 1000 posts! I hope you continue because I like visiting here. I always come away with a little chuckle and/or a blessing...usually both!
    Have a blessed day,

  7. congratulations - that's 1000 times you've enlightened, entertained, educated and encouraged us (in addition to all those times 'offline'!) Keep it up! xxx

  8. Wow - I don't know how you find time for it all in amongst all the other things youd do!
    Congratulations - keep going - Lots of love

  9. Not only do you live a 'non-stop' life, you blog faster than anyone else too!
    Well done on 1000 posts, and I'd love to enter too, please.

  10. Well done Angela, I'm sure I wouldn't reach 100 let alone 1000 - and even if I did I wouldn't have the same readership as you! Thank you for entertaining as well as informing us all and keeping me upto date with KM even when I am far away.
    By the way I'm afraid I've been a bit slack with reading your posts since I have been in the same village, but I am catching up now!

  11. Oh I think I've just made it!

  12. Well done! I'd probably have reached a 1000 if I didn't keep changing blog address. :)


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