Monday 31 October 2016

Pinner Poems

Barbara Ann in Virginia [is she the Beach Boys' girl, do you think?] has sent me a couple of Pinner limericks, following recent posts.

There once was a man lived in Pinner
Who was round but wanted to be thinner
He tried to eat less
But soon cried, "God bless!"
Gluttony kept this Pinner a sinner

or this alternative ending

There once  was a man lived in Pinner
Who was round but wanted to be thinner
He opened his eyes
With dismayed surprise:
His gluttony had made him a sinner.  :-)

I had already received this one from Margaret

There once was a man lived in Pinner
Each Tuesday he ate fish for dinner
Wednesday was meat
Thursday a sweet
No wonder he never got thinner

Thanks to these two ladies for their contributions.
Thinner, dinner and sinner seem to be the most popular rhymes. I wonder if Dennis Skinner or Michael Winner have ever lived in Pinner? Would the cheerful Pinner dustman, who smiled inanely as he twirled the wheelie-bins be a binner-spinner-grinner? And is a local woman who puts up notices a Pinner-drawing-pinner?

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