Wednesday 18 January 2017

Faleminderit, Andrew

These are Albanian men in their national costume. The picture below is Andrew, an English Baptist Minister in Beckenham, Kent. Our families have been friends for over 30 years. 
Our families have much in common [ministry, teaching, maths, bicycles...] About 20 years ago they generously let us have a week's holiday in their house whilst they were away. 
There are quite a few Albanian people living in Beckenham.  So about 10 years ago,  Andrew decided to spend a sabbatical in Albania,  learning their language.  He has grown to love this nation and goes back every year to visit the 10 Baptist churches there. He is fluent in Albanian. 
His wife Eleanor reads the blog,  and emailed to suggest I rang them last weekend. 
So now I can say "faleminderit" "ju lutem" "si jeni" "shume mire" and "Zoti ju bekofte"
That is thank you,  please,  how are you? Very good,  and God bless you. 
Also" nuk mund  te ha djathe ose gjize" which is I cannot eat cheese. 
That last phrase is quite important for me. 
Thank you Andrew and Eleanor,  for all the information you shared with me.  I  wish you could both come on the trip.  Zoti ju bekofte! 


  1. Sounds like you know all the words you'll need to know for your visit, thanks to your friends. :)

  2. Very impressive. What about 'Where is the washroom?'

    1. I'm hoping that we'll be shown all the facilities on arrival!


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