Sunday 11 February 2018

Paused In Lent

Since 2010 I have been involved with others in posting each Sunday of Lent. This tradition was started by my friend Floss [I don't know when] and then I took over collecting the list of participants.
But this year, I am pausing* my tradition! If anyone else wants to take on the list, that's fine by me. [explanation of the PIL here] I'm still 'doing' Lent though...

This year we are doing some Lent studies at our church Homegroups, and I have also decided that I will try and participate in the 40Acts - 2018 Challenge. Everyday, throughout Lent, this means I will receive an encouraging message and a passage for reflection each morning, and a challenge to generosity. 
Instead of 'giving up', it is about giving out, giving back and giving away.
God has given me so much, and so this is a great way of being generous to others. Each day there is a choice of 3 challenges in varying levels of "difficulty". The challenges vary - some requiring time, others finance, others are more inventive...but they are all well thought out, and offer scope for creativity. 
This initiative has been going since 2011, organised by the Christian charity Stewardship- and over 100,000 people have taken part thus far.
Lent starts this coming  Wednesday - Valentine's Day, and the day after Shrove Tuesday [and the Annual Manse Pancake Party] Check out the 40 Days Challenge- maybe you'd like to come on board don't have to be a Christian to join in, previous participants have been of other faiths [or no religious faith at all]

*'pausing' the tradition means I have the option of starting it again sometime!


  1. Thanks for that link. I hadn't heard of 40acts but have now signed up.

  2. Thank you for the reminder, Ang. I've blogged about it & a couple of people have signed up...That's 80 more Acts of Kindness going to happen.


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