Wednesday 14 February 2018

The Meaning Behind The Dust...

I was very impressed with the class I taught last Thursday - who knew that the Palm Crosses from last year were burned, to make the ash and dust which would be smeared, by the Priest, in a cross shape on people's foreheads, to make the beginning of Lent this year.
I'm a Nonconformist through and through - but glad that there has been a resurgence of interest across the spectrum of the Christian Church in these days of preparation for Easter.
I don't agree with everything that Pope Francis says- but I think these are wise words. from his 2017 Lenten Homily...
I imagine that many of you feel as sickened as I do by the stories from Haiti about the appalling behaviour of some of those who went out there to distribute aid after the hurricane in 2011 [and wonder why this information was suppressed for so long]
Dave Walker, who produces some great cartoons, has reposted this one from a few years ago - and I believe it is worth sharing. 
99.99% of those who go from the UK to deliver aid do it conscientiously and well. I am glad my country has 'international aid' as a part of its budget.
As Dave himself says -
Thanks everyone for tweeting the image. 
The Oxfam scandal: hold people accountable, learn lessons, make changes. But this mustn't be used as an excuse to cut overseas aid.


  1. I admired Carol Monaghan MP last year who attended a House of Commons Select Committee meeting last year with an ash cross still on her forehead having been to an Ash Wednesday service that morning. Today is a day of fasting and abstinence, of course, but I do also like Pope Francis’ words for Lent.

  2. If I were a cynical person I would say that there was a connection between the timing of the Oxfam story and the push within certain areas of the government to reduce or kill the overseas aid budget. Probably just me.


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