Saturday 17 February 2018

This Verse Comforts Me...

 ... if you need these words today, may they be a comfort to you too.


  1. so comforting -- especially at this time when here in the US we are going through the horrific tragedy of school shootings. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. Thank you Angela, lovely words and needed today as I recover from a mild cfs/me relapse, was feeling down as I have had to cancel helping at Messy Church sadly. We have only recently moved here so things like this mean I need to try to explain this illness when I rather wouldn't burden others. I have been enjoying your blog though and am working my way through the years and picking up some great tips even with my brain fogginess 😳🙂

  3. Thank you Philip - there is something I cannot speak about on the blog, but all will be ok, I know.
    BB- we are so sad to hear of the school shooting, I am upholding my US friends in my prayers.
    Catz- hoping you feel stronger soon. Glad you're enjoying the blog. cfs/me must be so frustrating as so many people cannot understand.
    Elizabethd - sending love, as always x

  4. Hope all is well with you and yours, Angela. (((HUGS)))


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