Thursday 7 June 2018

Both As Bad As Each Other

The trouble is that Bob and I both love making and mending things. Redemption, Re-creation and Restoration are important principles, both in terms of people and possessions. And we usually have more than one project in the pipeline.
Plastic boxes in the garage, a basket in the porch, a bag in the bedroom, a biscuit tin on the spare bed, a suitcase in the under-stairs cupboard... All of these bear witness to various pieces of Work In Progress.
Then there is the stack of wood under the lathe, the crate[s] of fabric in the loft, his jars of screws and mine of buttons - we both have our own Great Stash.[aka SABLE]
Last weekend, Bob was sorting out something when he came across a project he had started just after Christmas, and then put to one side, and forgotten about. Another Project Half Done
"That's It!" he declared. "No more new projects until we have finished the ones already started. We will write them all on a project board and tick them off as they are completed"
No more UnFinished Objects
This sounded very wise to me - I began mentally compiling my list. But I'm not yet sure of the rules. I bought a dress pattern from Tilly and the Buttons last April - and finally got the fabric on Norwich market in October - but have yet to start construction. Because I was knitting green squares for a Christmas tree, making a cat cape for Rosie, turning up curtains and shortening skirts for friends, producing kids crafts for church and sewing bunting etc. Meanwhile Bob has been doing little tasks for friends, making and mending their broken objects - and creating visual aids for church events. 
It would be good to see everything listed, and make some sort of plan of action, but I wonder how this will work out in practice. Top of the list must be the redecoration of the Cornerstones Futility Room. Unfortunately whenever we have been in Norfolk recently, we've either been resting, or enjoying time with the family.
At least we understand the way each other works, and appreciate the need to use our skills. But Bob is right, the to-do list does need organising.
I will let you know how we get this space


  1. Love it! Negotiating the rules is the best way to procrastinate! But also looking forward to seeing the no-longer-unfinished- projects.

  2. I have my PhD in procrastination already Angela, as I have so many WIPS and UFOs that I must have completed the thesis by now-lol. Someone then asked me to make bunting so that’s me sidetracked again. I’m never bored.

  3. My "Works in Progress" are many! I just need time in which to do them all!


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