Saturday 23 June 2018

Lion Around

It's the annual Fete On The Field again today. A really early start as we set up our stuff. As per usual, Bob will be doing PA, and I'll be in the Churches' Tent, telling Bible stories. 
These will probably include two favourites - Daniel and Samson - so there will be roaring of lions in evidence. The other end of our stand will be the children's crafts and they should be making finger puppets [including lions]
Back at the Manse, there's a bag of fur fabric in the hall, as I am about to make a lion costume for a young friend.
In the kitchen, I've been baking [more rhubarb windows, thank you Jenny for the recipe] and my eggs have little lions on them. 
As I was baking, I fell to wondering about those eggy lions.
They were first put on our eggs in 1957 and then the practice stopped at the end of the 60s when the Egg Marketing Board was closed. But in 1998 the British Lion Egg scheme was launched, and they were back. Everyone felt reassured after all that salmonella business, and the pronouncements of the Eggcentric Eggwina Currie.
The British Lion Egg scheme are very concerned that we understand why it is important to 'look for the lion'. After the 'fipronil' contamination of European eggs last year, last week, some more eggs from the Netherlands were discovered to be contaminated.
Whilst you can be sure of the fresh eggs you buy, if they are stamped, it is not so easy when you are buying processed/preprepared foods. Often the ingredients can include eggs which have, literally, come from the other side of the world. From countries where standards are not as strict. The British Egg Industry Council have just launched this little video to explain that not all eggs are the same.
Eggs are a good food source - here's a useful info sheet about how we should store and use them. But there is one mystery than remains unsolved. They call them 'Lion Eggs', but lions do not lay eggs [mind you, fish don't have fingers, and buffaloes don't have wings either...]


  1. Interesting that it advises us to store eggs in the fridge. I never do that, and they aren’t kept in the fridge in store either. I prefer them at room temperature, especially for baking.

  2. Sounds like you've had a busy Saturday!


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