Sunday, 23 February 2020

Lord In Your Mercy...

...Hear Our Prayer
Last Sunday, I said the "Prayers of Intercession" at Church. It is an important part of Sunday Worship for me, that we look outside the walls of the building and pray for the world around. I used part of the beginning of it on my prayer leaf in Salisbury. Here are the words from the end of that prayer. 
Lord Jesus
we have prayed about the storms
 - your words calmed the winds and the waves
we have prayed for the sick
 - you healed the deaf, the blind and the lame
we have prayed for the sad and bereaved
 - you stood weeping with Martha and Mary at the tomb of Lazarus
we have prayed for the homeless and the refugees
 - you had no home of your own, and as a baby, you and your parents were refugees fleeing persecution
Lord Jesus
You truly understand our prayers because you are the God Incarnate, who walked this earth and experienced suffering. We rejoice that you are the Risen and Powerful Saviour, who brings hope and joy and love - and peace beyond all human understanding.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer
Don't forget to comment if you are joining us for Lent Inspirations, starting next weekend.


  1. HI Ang,
    I'd like to join in with the Lent inspirations. Your prayer reminds us that Jesus has experienced what we have and knows the struggles.

  2. Thanks for this today, Ang. So hard sometimes to hold on in faith x


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