Tuesday, 31 January 2023
Facets Of Fassett
Monday, 30 January 2023
Just A Soupçon
Sunday, 29 January 2023
I Almost Forgot
What were you doing on Friday Evening? It was only when I switched on the radio in the afternoon, that I was reminded that it was Holocaust Memorial Day - and that across the world, people would be placing lighted candles in their window to acknowledge and remember all those lost in acts of genocide. I was able to find a candle and place it on my kitchen windowsill.
Holocaust Memorial Day encourages remembrance in a world scarred by genocide. The international day on 27 January to remember the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, alongside the millions of other people killed under Nazi persecution of other groups, and during more recent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.
27 January marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp. The Holocaust threatened the fabric of civilisation, and genocide must still be resisted every day. Our world often feels fragile and vulnerable and we cannot be complacent. Even in the UK, prejudice and the language of hatred must be challenged by us all.
I don't know how many people passed my house in the evening, or if any of them noticed the candle, and wondered about it. The theme for this year was "Ordinary People" -
Saturday, 28 January 2023
For Brooke
I have mentioned Brooke, my young neighbour, before. She has a serious, life-limiting condition, AT. But "serious" isn't a word you'd apply to this happy, teenager.
Friday, 27 January 2023
A Word In Your Ear
I'm hoping that now my vertigo is subsiding, I will be able to help Bob complete the work by Saturday night. He has been working doubly hard.
Thursday, 26 January 2023
A Little Cottage, With Roses Round The Door...
Does your home have a name, or a number? In 1765 an Act of Parliament decreed that all new properties should have a number and a street name, for better identification. We live in #4, but have named our home Cornerstones. It is a fairly ordinary 1970s bungalow.
- obviously, I'm very happy with the idea of life in a pretty country village [but poor street lighting and only one bus an hour can be frustrating]
- I like my Kilner jars full of 'pantry staples' [but think using them in the freezer is a daft idea]
- I love my William Morris curtains [but much A&C furniture is too large, dark and heavy for a small bungalow]
- I'm grateful for my garden and the flowers, and fresh veg [but acknowledge that its hard work keeping it tidy and productive]
- I'm definitely all for hand made, hand stitched, hand crafted and home baked
Wednesday, 25 January 2023
Spinning Out Of Control
Tuesday, 24 January 2023
Well, Bless My Sole!
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Monday, 23 January 2023
My Money's On This One
If you have access to Netflix, then do try and watch Bank Of Dave, [released last week]
Sunday, 22 January 2023
Saturday, 21 January 2023
Flower Power
In my student days, "flower power" was a popular theme. The American beat poet Alan Ginsberg coined the phrase, to re[resent a way of transforming anti-war protests [esp. re Vietnam] into peaceful affirmative spectacles. Later on it became a generalised term - for hippies, and the counter-culture of psychedelic drugs, and social permissiveness.
- if I have two pennies today, should I spend one on bread, and keep the other in case I cannot buy bread tomorrow?
- if I have two pennies should I spend one on food for my family, and the other on fuel? and will 1p buy enough bread, anyway. Heating or eating?
- if I have the luxury of two pennies, should I be sharing my blessings with those who do not even have one?
- and whilst the loaf will give me energy and health, and keep me alive, how long will the flowers last?
- I would like to lose weight - but I am going to eat up the Christmas Hamper goodies first
- I would like like to up my fitness levels- the arrival of the new boots should help with that [but I am being careful about frozen, slippery paths]
- I would like to do some volunteering in the community - but the application which went in weeks ago is still being processed [exceedingly slowly]
- I would like to redecorate the dining area and the hallway - but that is waiting for a week when Bob is less busy [with his Parish Councillor responsibilities etc] so we can work on it together.
Friday, 20 January 2023
Any Old Iron?
I think this video is a bit weird- Kermit and friends singing the old Cockney song. I cannot believe that the children watching the Muppet Show made much sense of this. How could they understand that napper = head, tile = hat, and Darby Kell = belly?

Thursday, 19 January 2023
God Save The Queen!
From 1952-55 and 1967-70 Guyatt was consultant designer to
Wedgwood and this commemorative mug for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in
1953 was the first of his Wedgwood designs to be put into large scale
production. The company had revived the use of engraved designs in the mid
1930s – a mode of decoration which allowed the artist’s own work and
‘hand-writing’ to be reproduced in a factory setting, and well suited to
Guyatt’s style. He also designed Wedgwood commemorative mugs for the Prince of
Wales's Investiture in 1969 and several royal weddings. Guyatt’s other commissions included stamps, the WH Smith logo
and packaging for Anchor butter.
I found the mug at the rear of a dingy shed, at the back of a shelf of plain white china. It was exceedingly grubby, and I took it to the bloke and asked how much. He looked at me and said "Three Quid?" "OK that's fine" I said [I'd been prepared for anything up to £10 for a mug this size!] It is very mid-century in design, reminiscent of the artwork of the 1951 Festival of Britain. I like it.
Checking online, I see that optimists are advertising them for sale at prices between £30 and £300, and one recently sold at auction for £360. I shall keep mine and put a pot plant in it.
Following the incident with the Sylvanian Meerkats last month, I spotted some in a CS in Diss - but now priced at £15 for a box [previously £3:50] They had six sets on the shelf. But I wonder if they will sell at that price in the CS, where all the other toys are £5 or less?
Wednesday, 18 January 2023
All Roads Lead To...
Tuesday, 17 January 2023
How Do You Solve A Problem? Ask Maria!
Monday, 16 January 2023
On A Roll
Last Saturday I did my first proper gardening of the year. The raised bed is properly weeded, topped up with compost and covered with card.
Sunday, 15 January 2023
Gold, Frankincense And Myrrh