Apologies to overseas readers- this post is for those of us who live in Britain.
Tuesday, 28 February 2023
Come Back Mrs Pankhurst!
Monday, 27 February 2023
Bowls In A FragileWorld

Sunday, 26 February 2023
Saturday, 25 February 2023
Feeling Trim
Friday, 24 February 2023
Happy Birthday, Rosie!

Thursday, 23 February 2023
What They Took With Them
Wednesday, 22 February 2023
And The Award Goes To...
Tuesday, 21 February 2023
Lovelace Or Verdi?
Inside that was the Aida, and that was kept flat with a piece of card printed with a basic stitching guide, and right in the middle a neat packet of three needles appropriate for the work.
Monday, 20 February 2023
Bolla! Bolla! Bolla!
Sunday, 19 February 2023
Brave Blue Blooms
That mysterious pot of bulbs from behind the summer house has started to bloom. They are blue hyacinths. Their leaves are rich and green and strong. But they are very meagre blooms - not the dense elongated head we usually find, just a few of the waxy little flowers on each of the three stems. Yet they still have their distinctive sweet perfume, even though they are small
I found a poem on line, I cannot track the author, I believe it is someone called Courtney. I hope she will not mind that I have shared her words here.Peeking up from the soil
while the world is
still cold and dark,
some might say
you are brave
and strong.
But I wonder
if it's only this:
you know who you are
and that you were made
for exactly this reason--
to soften the bitter edge of winter
with the glorious fragrance of Hope,
reminding every weary soul
that all is not lost.
Saturday, 18 February 2023
Let Us Spray
Thursday found me on my knees in the hall, sticking letters cut from an old magazine onto the back of a discarded banner, using temporary spray mount. Then we carried it outside to the carriage house, out of wind and rain.
We used up some odd spray cans to paint stripes on the banner, then we peeled off the letters. Extra details were printed on two sheets of A4 paper, laminated, and affixed with the hot glue gun.
Bob has fixed hooks to the front of the chapel so we can advertise this year's event. Someone has planned entertainment in the form of a quiz... Should be good fun
Friday, 17 February 2023
All My Ducks In A Row

Thursday, 16 February 2023
Top Marks / No Marks!
Wednesday, 15 February 2023
Gardening Gloves On...
...and then off again, because I cannot handle fiddly little seeds whilst wearing them. On Thursday I set up four small trays of 'microgreens' which are sitting on the windowsill in the Futility Room. I hope they will germinate and give me some salad leaves. Following the advice of others, I used up all the leftover seeds from the various packets in my box which are on the point of expiry!**
This seems a good ZeroWaste approach - they haven't cost me anything this year, and I've not lost anything if they fail.I am using my gift tokens to buy fresh seeds for the raised bed. Also on Thursday, I spotted something forgotten, lurking behind the summerhouse. A pot with some bulbs emerging. I have no idea what they are. I suspect hyacinths, but I may be wrong.
They have come inside to stand on the windowsill in the lounge. The pot is inside my great grandma's sugar bowl. That is the only piece of her wedding present china which remains now. And it is not in the best of health. But it makes a good cache-pot.**I'm labelling everything carefully this year
Thank you everyone for the lovely remarks about The Postcard Project. Kirsten and I are so pleased with the finished pieces, and already working on our next collaboration.
Tuesday, 14 February 2023
Monday, 13 February 2023
Happy Families
Sunday, 12 February 2023
Love, Pray, Give...
Saturday, 11 February 2023
Bearing Gifts
Friday, 10 February 2023
Postcard #2
This is the final Postcard Project posts This is the piece which Kirsten will be keeping. I think if you click on the image, you should be able to see more details
Thursday, 9 February 2023
Postcard #1
Wednesday, 8 February 2023
The Lady Macbeth Spot
Many years ago, I blogged about a wardrobe inconvenience which I refer to as The Midriff Moth - when you find tiny holes on your teeshirt somewhere near where your belt buckle is. Well, I have another thing to report on now, The Lady Macbeth Spot. You will recall that the demented lady kept washing her hands over and over to remove a spot of blood - but it continued to trouble her. "Out, Damn'd spot!" she cries.