Sunday 28 January 2024

A Friend Of God, A Friend To Others

Today is the feast day of St Thomas Aquinas*, a Catholic theologian who died 750 years ago, aged 48. I am afraid I know very little about this Italian guy, but he did share some thought provoking remarks, particularly about friendship. I shall leave you to ponder on a few of them...

I found an interesting article, [illustrated with a cleverly altered version of this Botticelli portrait] in the Church Times

*Aquinas means 'from Aquino' in Italy. If you know more about him, and have a favourite quote, please do share it with us.


  1. I don't know much about Catholic theologians in general or Thomas Aquinas in particular. But, there was a private college named Aquinas College in Sri Lanka (there still is, I believe).

  2. There is a large denominational school in Glasgow called St Thomas Aquinas and their website tells us that he is the patron saint of universities and scholars. He also influenced many of the philosophers who cam after him. Thanks for this post today-it sent me off on a little exploration and I learned some new things which I like! Happy Sunday. Catriona

    1. That may explain the comment from Bless about the College in Sri Lanka

  3. I did a study on Thomas many years ago. What an interesting man he was, theologian, philosopher , writer, and I should think , a man with a light hearted side to him.

  4. The convention prep school I went to had three 'houses'; The most desired house was Aquinus. I was in Bosco (John Bosco) and the third was Xavier (Francis Xavier). I'm sure we were taught about the house Saints but I have forgotten it all; now I need to go down some rabbit holes!

  5. St. Aquinas is known as a "Doctor of the Church" for his great knowledge and teaching. Not bad for someone whose mother locked him up in the castle when he was 19 because she didn't want him to pursue his vocation. His brothers went even further, trying to get him involved with prostitutes, but he fought that temptation and is known for chastity. I found the following quotation from St. Thomas Aquinas on the quote of the day on an e-mail I subscribe to:

    "In this life no one can fulfill his longing, nor can any creature satisfy man’s desire. Only God satisfies, he infinitely exceeds all other pleasures. That is why man can rest in nothing but God."
    –St. Thomas Aquinas

  6. There is a Catholic school in my town named after Aquinas. I don't know much about him, though I've learned some interesting things from this blog and comments!

    1. Clearly "education and knowledge" are a key part of his story!

  7. My husband and many of his cousins attended Aquinas College in Grand Rapids Michigan,
    I wonder if that is where Celie is from? JanF

    1. There do seem to be many colleges bearing his name


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