Sunday 21 January 2024

Sunday Best

So how's the new year working out for you? I can't believe we are three weeks in already. My word of the year PACE is proving a good choice. Some days I have been frantically busy, other days the pace much slower. This past week I had to take it easy after the tooth business. My dentist said it was the biggest tooth in my mouth - and I should not expect to feel better before the weekend. I decided to accept his wisdom and not fret about "things left undone". So I spent a couple of days snuggled in my armchair, doing word puzzles, reading watching TV, and dozing. Without any guilt feelings at all. And by Friday I was able to get going again on Holiday  Club preparations.
Our bodies are not meant to work incessantly like machines - we are designed to need a break.  Many scientists have established that people taking a break every 7th day work more efficiently on the other 6th. A Sabbath rest is good for us. 

In Mark chapter 6 Jesus urges his busy disciples to "Come apart and rest for a while". My mum used to say "if you don't rest, you will come apart!" 
For many people, their work patterns and family circumstances mean they cannot take a Sabbath rest on a Sunday. For so many years, we were occupied with church responsibilities every weekend and made a habit of taking" time out"on a Monday. Retirement, is a privilege - we are grateful for the more relaxed pattern of Sundays here at Cornerstones. 
This is my favourite day of the week, when I can take time out to share in worship,[in church, or on Zoom, or listening to the radio] and make space for connection with family and friends. Of all the days of the week, I like Sunday best! 
I do hope you are able to find moments of space and peace sometime in the week ahead... 


  1. My days are very relaxed of late and sometimes I worry that maybe they are too relaxed! I hope you have a lovely Sunday.

  2. Raised in a strict Presbyterian household, Sundays were a day for doing nothing except reading and walking and church. No laundry and no crafting-I was allowed to do my homework but nothing sporty or crafty. Of course times changed and even Dad appreciated a well cooked meal and some television watching as he aged. This was usually at my house to salve his conscience I suspect. Catriona

    1. I was expected to complete homework BEFORE Sunday! My friend's family were not allowed TV (altho my Mum pointed out they often watched some "questionable" programmes during the rest of the week!) How times and attitudes have changed

  3. I've always liked Sunday best. Back in the day when the shops were all closed it was even better, much more of a family day and a chance to ready yourself for the week ahead.

    1. I feel very sorry for families where a parent works in retail, so cannot spend Sunday with the family

  4. I agree, retirement is a privilege, and as much as possible it's good when we are able to make Sundays special......including some rest......
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Just sitting down for a peaceful afternoon with my OH. Feeling blessed

  5. Wonderful advice. Thanks. We farm so our animals come first every day here.

  6. I so agree that a day of rest is essential even if your work schedule means it is not Sunday when you rest.
    I also grew up in a houshold where the only work sone on Sunday was cooking.


  7. That's good to know that you listened to the dentist and took the time to rest and recover. In a way that tooth was a blessing, as you wouldn't have been likely to rest as much otherwise! I like Sunday, to worship at church and to take it easy the rest of the day or go for a walk. I do wish that people weren't forced to work in retail on a Sunday. Obviously some occupations have to continue, like health care or maintaining power plants so the rest of us have electricity, but shopping doesn't count as essential!

  8. We've enjoyed a very peaceful weekend, been pretty minimalist about what we've tried to get done. Pacing oneself through the week is so important! Hope your tooth is settling down.


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