Wednesday 9 October 2024



So said Anne of Green Gables, adding "It would be terrible if we just skipped from September to November, wouldn't it?"
I think she makes a good point - September is the start of term, for many it is the beginning of a new year, or even new life as they move on in their studies.Full of hope and expectation. 
November combines the solemnity of remembrance, with the preparations for the festive season. The leaves have all fallen, and winter is well on its way.
October bridges the two - the harvests have been gathered, it is the middle of the autumn. Earth's bounty can be enjoyed.

I am not so sure about George Eliot's point of view. I think the turning of the seasons is wonderful, and to only celebrate one is rather limiting - Summer and Winter, Springtime and Harvest are all signs of God's faithfulness.
I do like this graphic which a friend posted on Facebook. I'm ok with nature walks, but not barefoot.  And I like nourishing drinks, but not 'yolky'
But most of the ideas on here I can go along with wholeheartedly.
Let us keep warm and keep well as winter approaches.


  1. October is lovely, as long as I keep out of the stores, where Hallowe'en decorations compete with early Christmas displays! Outdoors the colour combinations are subtle and a delight to see. How is it, that in nature the right colours always seem to be put together? Our Creator God is a wonderful artist!

  2. I'm beginning to think I might be wanting to hibernate; these past few days it has taken all my willpower not to eat crisps and biscuits and toast all day.

    1. October is toast time - buttered toast, toasty toes in woolly socks, and raise a toast to warm friendship...

    2. ... And rereading Nigel Slaters eponymous book


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