Tuesday 1 October 2024


I know about IHOP [International House of Pancakes] Not yet international in the sense of having an outlet in the UK. That's probably a good thing for our nation's health...What's IDOP??It is International Day Of Older Persons. An initiative of the United Nations.

Here's an interesting 'infographic' about those of us who are 65+
One in six people globally are over 65 - and by 2041, that will be about 1 in 4. 
In 2018, the global population passed the historic milestone of 'more people over 65 than children under 5'
This year the theme is "Ageing with Dignity: The importance of strengthening care and support systems globally for those over 65"
Obviously this is an issue which is pretty important for me these days - and I know many of you reading this are also aged 60+. I'm also aware too  that many of my blogfriends who are yet to enter 'the third age' show care and concern of older members of their family or friendship circles. Thank you!
I am encouraged to read that one in four seniors is involved in some sort of volunteering [unpaid] activity to help others. Maybe formal stuff like Parish Councillors, Brownie-Guide Leaders, Hospital Visitors, etc - or more informal, caring for grandchildren, shopping for housebound neighbours, dogwalking etc. 
Know that while you have breath you can be useful. Auntie Peggy said [often] after Gill's death "I don't know why I am still here, I can't do very much. But I can pray for people as I sit here in my chair". She also telephoned people to encourage them, to remind them that she cared, to ask after their well-being. In her late nineties she was still a force for good.
Maybe we are a little slower than we used to be, and our eyesight, hearing and mobility are less than perfect. But we can all have the opportunity to share our experiences, and show love.
Today I shall try to visit someone even older than I am, and celebrate with them.
And maybe Grandad Bob will cook me pancakes for tea


  1. Thanks for sharing this-I am off to a sports centre and a sheltered housing complex at lunchtime today with our Older People’s Champion to show as what is going on for International Day of Older People. I am representing Seniors Together in South Lanarkshire of which I am current the Chairperson. Catriona

    1. Oh well done, C, you and your Shedman are shining examples of people doing good stuff in retirement!

  2. Pop in and visit me, Ang, I'm definitely much older than you! I am one of the volunteering percentage, and it's funny to think that some of my 'old people' who enjoy a lunch and activity, are younger than me!!

    1. I would love to come and sit with you for a cuppa - but I don't think I can drive to Cornwall in time for elevenses [or even afternoon tea] today 💜 ☕

  3. Old age is uncharted territory, different for each explorer! Every day is a gift, especially if the old body is working reasonably well. I wish that the wisdom and insight that many older people have, might be recognized by the smart young people who hold forth on the radio, TV and internet. I know what life was like before vaccinations were available for childhood diseases, and now I hear of resurgences of measles, whooping cough and polio in the developed world, because children are not getting vaccinated due to fear of vaccines.

    1. I agree about 'uncharted territory' - and 'every day is a gift' is so true . I'm having my flu vaccine on Saturday.


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