Sunday 27 May 2012

Heaven Now

Busy day – Pentecost celebrations, our own service at KM [I’ll be preaching as Bob is busy], and then over to Groby where friends there are organising a FREE Fun Day. They are ‘doing church’ in their community, with an open air event in the local college grounds.

Activities, food, music and more, with a worship service at the end. Bob is doing all the PA. In these days when everything costs so much, and a ‘family day out’ can prove a costly business, I applaud my friends for being so generous, and pray that God will bless them as they share his love with friends and neighbours.


Another piece from my Celtic Praise book…

If I were in heaven

I would play my harp

And sing songs of praise with the angels

If I were in heaven

I would dance with joy

And fill the air with laughter

Let earth be like heaven, and people like angels

Don’t wait to die, enjoy heaven now;

Don’t argue or cavil –

Just dance!


Hoping for some heaven on earth today [with dancing] – and

a very happy 30th birthday to our Liz

who always brings so much joy and laughter, love and life. Hoping her birthday celebrations down in London are great fun too.


  1. Happy birthday, Liz!! Cavil? We spent a scorching afternoon at Loughshore with the Whiteabbey churches celebrating Pentecost with their annual free barbecue and praise concert- PC's band! At least it was scorching this year and we didn't have to chase the marquee across the field again...

    1. Hope the scorch marks are not too painful!

  2. Happy birthday wishes to Liz! Ang, you must have been awfully young when you had her ...


  3. Thanks everyone for your kind birthday wishes!

    1. What a well brought up young lady, to remember to say thank-you. I got one bit of parenting right then!


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