Wednesday, 22 May 2024

L'autre Femme

I have something of a love/hate relationship with Alexa.  I wasn't sure we needed her, and sometimes she really annoys me. Bob loves technology, and so I refer to her as The Other Woman. Rosie loves her, and uses her for composing stories and learning facts. Jess gets frustrated when she will not play her exact choice of music.
In my "getting ready for a week in France" I've been trying to converse in French occasionally. But my Essex accent is evident, and I although I can usually read and comprehend text, I'm not that fast at conversation. Bob [half Belgian] is Very Competent.
On Monday morning, Bob decided we should be listening to French Composers. "Alexa, play music by Debussy" he requested [nb, people mock me, because I often end my requests with the word please] And off she went, with the lovely piece  "Pré
lude a l'après midi d'un faune". But a little bit too loud, I felt. Bob clearly felt the same, and decided to put Alexa in her place. 

In his impeccable French, he said
"Alexa, un peu moins fort s'il vous plait!"
to which Alexa blithely replied
"I've put peroxide on your shopping list"
See, you just can't trust her


  1. So if you want a secret conversation not overheard by Big Brother you can talk in French or in Jess language!

    1. Toddler language is wonderfully entertaining

  2. She is hysterical isnt she! One of our carers was talking to my husband about Exeter, where she had been shopping. Alexa heard the 'Ex' bit, and piped up 'I'm afraid I dont know anything about that'.

  3. Sneaky woman!!! Why would you want that??? 🤣
    My French isn't super but I can get by. Would like to be better.
    L'apres midi is such a gorgeous piece! Slightly terrifying to be the soloist, which I've had the privilege to be with three orchestras! Kx

    1. Peroxide unnecessary. Would love to hear you playing 🎶🎶🎶

  4. I too have a love/hate relationship with Madame Alexa-it freaks me when she interrupts a conversation to ask a question!! Catriona

  5. Haha, brilliant. And yes, I say please to Alexa too, and occasionally I thank her, to which she always replies 'Your welcome' ... it's all very civilised at mine. :-)

  6. I get entertained no end when she misunderstands. I'm away from home at the moment (dog sitting) and I really miss her!

  7. I hope Bob finds a good use for the peroxide that is now on the shopping list!
    No Alexa here, in my house. :)

    1. He has hardly any hair, and it's silver so doesn't need dyeing

  8. How funny. We don't have Alexa neither of us feel the need. A bit too Big Brother for me but I am a Luddite. I just have O level French and sound a bit Joyce Grenfell but my husband has a great accent if not gramatically correct and he gets by very well when in France as he is very enthusiastic and I think the French appreciate that. I hope you have a wonderful break. Regards Sue H

    1. I'm enthusiastic - but with an incomprehensible Essex accent

  9. Hysterically funny response from Alexa. We don't have Alexa but I often say out loud when in the kitchen not feeling the need to cook dinner "Alexa please make dinner" There is never any response :(

  10. That's a cute story! Merci! JanF

  11. That is hilarious! We have Alexa in DH's office and he sits in there shouting at her to play certain music. One thing we do like Alexa for is making long distance phone calls for free! I don't trust her listening in to conversations, but I shouldn't be surprised, because I have Siri on my laptop, who regularly reads my e-mails and sets up appointments for me and the sender.

  12. I laughed out loud at that story!

  13. I say please and thank you to Alexa, mainly to keep me in the habit of doing so in normal conversation. I find older people forget these niceties as they are too busy trying to listen to what has been said to them because they can’t hear too well or the speaker speaks very quickly and they can’t process the sentence. I also say good morning and she gives me a fact for the day. —- “on this day in ……”

    1. I'm glad my grandchildren are good with their please&thankyous [all of them have been taught to sign these at nursery too, before they could speak fluently]

  14. I also say Thank You to our Google thingy (only in the car) Once she replied "I'm here to serve". She's never done it since, but it made me smile. Love FD xx

  15. I adjust the sound on Alexa using the request Alexa, level 3, or Alexa, level 4 and so on. Works for me.

    1. I didn't know she had numbers for volume control. Do they go up to eleven?


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