Sunday, 12 May 2024

Sew Peaceful

Yesterday was Dereham Day. The Town Museum were featuring John Craske, and his pictures of peace. They had invited people to produce a picture [6“x 8“] representing "the place where I feel at peace." I decided to do a piece of textile art representing my love of sewing. After all, Craske lived embroidery too. I'd handed in my entry at the end of March [they stressed it was a exhibition NOT a competition] I went along yesterday to view the "Picturing Peace" display. Katie, the guide, was really pleased someone had gone in specifically for it, and I said I'd submitted a picture. When I said my name, she beamed "Oh I'm so glad. Yours was the first entry and I love it" We went to the room full of pictures. "Tell me about it..." 

It was a piece of green felt on which I had stitched different aspects of my needlework. I showed her the button and tape measure [dressmaking] and the patchwork sample[quilting, recycling] , and the embroidered pink scrap [embroidery - especially my collaboration with Kirsten] threads and fastenings [repairing] needles and fancy gold braid [costumes, and memory bears] and cross stitch [pictures and greetings cards] and I pointed out the dove and Shalom, symbols of my Christian faith - which underpins my joy in creativity, especially in sewing for others [just realised the pun there, sorry] 

I hadn't realised I there was another woman behind us till she said “Oh that's lovely - there should be a card explaining all that " They had around 90 pieces, there wouldn't be room for everyone's story. 
But I was so glad to look at all the different pictures and see their cornfields,seascapes family scenes, pets, gardens and more - using all sorts of media - each representing a different, personal aspect of peace 
Where do you find moments of peace in the noisy, busy world? 


  1. I have a chair in a quiet room ,near a window where I can see trees, and where I have a special photo. The window has plants, and sometimes fresh flowers, and a little tea light in a simple holder. Love Isabel

    1. That sounds a beautiful place for peace and reflection

  2. Your picture is lovely and very creative; that other lady was right, there should be a card explaining what each piece represents!
    I find my moments of peace when I am in the garden, when I am praying and meditating, and when I am crafting.

    1. How I should love to sit in your garden, Bless. The photos on your blog make me feel it would be a haven of tranquility

  3. Ang, that is so lovely. Handsewing is a peaceful and enjoyable pastime. I loved the dove and shalom too. I love to sew and don't even mind when it goes wrong, I am happy to unpick and resew.

  4. That is a lovely fabric picture 😍
    I try ( like most folk I suppose ) to build in little moments of peace and calm into my day.
    Watching the birds in the garden while I sip a tea or coffee. Walking with the dogs ( although that's not always peaceful!) A half hour or so of crafting. Long soak in the bath with a good book to read. Blog reading and sometimes some moments of Christian meditation.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I daren't read books in the bath, I've drowned to many books! But your other peaceful places are lovelt

  5. Your needlework piece is just perfect as I'm sure you find sewing and embroidery peaceful. During the week our garden is peaceful with the birds singing. At the moment the little children next door are in their paddling pool, laughing the chatting, lovely to hear them having fun.

    1. Oh yes, the laughter of little children is precious

  6. Peace for me, as I have often said, is sitting in my garden watching my broad beans grow.

    1. I've been amazed by the speed my recently sown beans are growing on the windowsill. Gardens are so peaceful

  7. This really is lovely and you certainly captured the " sew Peaceful " theme. What a fabulous idea from the Museum! JanF

    1. The young volunteer was SO enthusiastic

  8. I always find peace when I am creating with my hands-craft, knitting, sewing, mending as I find them mindful activities. Thanks for sharing the story of your piece and I’m glad it was enjoyed by others. Catriona

  9. We all need a piece of peace!

  10. The picture you have made is so beautiful and full of symbolism. I find my peace in knitting :)

    1. Your knitting is astoundingly beautiful, Marit, but I suspect I might struggle to find peace as I wrestled with those complex sock patterns!

  11. I love that, Angela! I love the meaning behind it.

  12. Lovely work, Angela. We had a peaceful walk with family on Sunday afternoon, in a wild area around a large lake in the city. I even had a downy woodpecker fly onto my hand to take a sunflower seed!


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