Sunday 24 December 2017

Pause In Advent #4 - What's On The Divine Wish List?

Do you have a 'Christmas Wish List'? Is it a 'gifts I would like to GET' or a 'gifts I would like to GIVE' list?
I have not written today's post myself- I have taken it straight from the Advent Conspiracy Website, because I think is good, and worth sharing. As my fiend Nick would say "Be blessed, be a blessing"

The SIX Gifts JESUS asked for 
In Matthew 25, Jesus gives us something like a Christmas gift wish list.
He said that whatever we do for the least of our brothers and sisters, that we do unto him. Then he listed six specific gifts, saying that when we offer them to those in need, we do the same for him:
1.  Food for the hungry.
2.  A drink for the thirsty. 
3.  Hospitality for strangers.
4.  Clothes for those without. 
5.  Care for the sick.
6.  Company for the prisoner. 
These are the gifts Jesus asked for, and today more than ever before in history we have all the resources and tools we need to solve address these problems.
We can direct our Christmas resources toward the mall, or toward the manger.
With a fraction of our holiday retail spending alone the Body of Christ could take on the world water crisis, and offer Jesus a drink everywhere in the world.
With a fraction of the time we spend consumed by the rat race Christmas has become, we could offer presence to brothers and sisters in need of love, and in loving all, love Jesus.

As long as we’re going to celebrate Christmas, we may as well give at least ONE gift to the birthday boy! 


  1. Thank you Angela, this is both powerful and lovely, the path to peace on earth 🌏

    Wishing you and Pastor Bob a truly happy and peaceful Christmas x

  2. That is a good wish list for throughout the year!

    I have truly enjoyed reading your Pause in Advent posts; thank you for letting me participate.

    Wish you and yours a very happy Christmas, Angela.


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