Friday 8 May 2020

Art Aches

One blog I really enjoy reading is "Ragbags and Gladrags" by Claire Cooper. We have stuff in common - she is married to a Rev, with a daughter, she's a teacher, and she likes sewing. She does the most fabulous dressmaking. I'm in awe of her skills. But she's also an artist and a designer. Through her, I learned about the Artist Support Projects, set up in 2008 by Sussex based artist Matthew Burrows. He wanted to help young professional artists to be able to develop their skills, to form networks, and 'maintain critical engagement'. He organised all sorts of events, workshops and activities.
When lockdown started, Matthew realised this would not be good for artists - galleries were closed, exhibitions put on hold...Many of them would struggle financially, and suffer genuine hardship. Income is already erratic for many of them - and the part time jobs [baristas, temping, retail work] they take on to supplement their income from sales have all dried up during the pandemic.
On March 16th, Matthew set up the 'Artist Support Pledge' - artists were to post on instagram pieces of work which they would sell [maximum price £200] - then when they had made £1000, from sales, they pledged to buy a piece from another artist, for up to £200.
Claire mentioned this on her blog and showed some of her work.
This one is Abstract Landscape III - from a series based on the North East of England coastline where she lives. Sunlit sparkling waters, dark stormy skies.
Claire's participating in the Pledge. I said that I haven't got spare cash for a picture right now - but please could I mention the ASP on my blog and link to hers? She kindly said yes.

This one - Blue seas, blue skies is my favourite. 
Yes, art is a luxury - but creativity is something to be encouraged. I like Matthew's idea, that the artists' community should be supporting each other through this time.
Almost all the pictures we have are reproductions. However, I bought an original artwork in 1978 from an artist when I was visiting Bude in Cornwall. I was young, single and setting up my first home. It hangs in the lounge at Cornerstones, and I still get much joy from looking at it. 
I hope Matthew's idea works well, and that lots of struggling artists are helped through this difficult time, by their own efforts, by those of their colleagues, and by the generosity of others. Thank you Claire, for letting me share your pictures here.

find the artists involved by following this Twitter hashtag #artistsupportpledge


  1. Thanks Angela for sharing my work on your lovely blog.

  2. Thank you for this, I'd heard of this initiative, but wonder how you can look at and buy these pieces of art. Jan

    1. I've now added a link above Jan - thanks for pointing that out

    2. Thank you, that's very helpful.

      I always enjoying your blog , one of my favourite.

  3. I've seen someone talking about buying a piece of Art- now I know what that was all about!


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