Friday 15 May 2020

Pause For Applause

 Did you stand at your front door and clap last night? Some did, some didn't. For many reasons, I have chosen to join in - not least to show my support for all the key workers who live in my road.
But listen - clapping is not enough
When all this is over, the NHS will have a hard road to climb. All those 'non-urgent' treatments and operations which were delayed, the return of daily clinics which have currently been reduced to weekly, extra work for mental health departments...these things are going to add significantly to the workload of the staff, and the demands on the budget.
We must be grateful to all those who have sewn scrubs, and masks, and scrub bags - and to those who have ensured NHS workers get proper meals [Matt Lucas with Damien Lewis and his wife Helen McRory 's Feed NHS campaign etc] and the Green Commute Initiative to provide bicycles.
But the NHS needs proper government funding - it cannot, and should not, have to rely on the charity of the nation for its ongoing existence.
If you really want things to be different, then please consider how you are going to support the NHS in the future. We need to hold our Government to account, to ensure that healthcare, free at the point of need, continues to be available to all - and that those who work in the NHS are recognised not just with awards and applause- but with proper wages, so they can afford to have a reasonable quality of life. 
Claire [yes, the one I mentioned last Friday] designed a poster, to help express her feelings about the need for better NHS funding
If you go to Claire's shop on Redbubble, you can buy stickers, badges, mugs, teeshirts and more - all profits go to charity.
This logo is ©ClaireCooper2020, but free to use for non profit only. 
We cannot, we must not, lose the NHS - 
I want my grandchildren to grow up in a Britain where the NHS  is properly funded, and properly maintained, part of our nation's ongoing heritage - not treated as a business which can be dismantled and  sold off to make a quick profit.


  1. I'm so glad it's not just me who feels this way Angela. Our NHS is so important. Thank you

    1. Thank you for the excellent graphic! Looking at the care that my daughter, and now my new grandson, have received in recent weeks, I continue to be so grateful to the NHS - if we were in the USA this sort of treatment would only be available to the rich. Our Welfare State is SO precious.

  2. I entirely agree with you Angela. Watching the nightly news conference with "Protect Our NHS" was galling knowing how underfunded it has been in the last 10 years. Dominic Raab is one of that section of the Tory Party who have advocated health care to be completely privatised. Whatever way people vote there has always been widespread public support for the NHS.

  3. Totally agree! There's been a lot of hypocrisy over this...but perhaps this is a realisation that they have made a huge mistake in the past....which we must never allow them to get away with again...


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