Monday 11 May 2020

Very Exciting Day

How did you celebrate VE Day and the Bank Holiday Weekend? On Thursday, after all the applause, the word went down the road "tomorrow, 2pm, in front gardens with cakes and cuppas to celebrate VE Day with a socially distanced Street Party" So we all joined in. I fished my red, white and blue bunting down from the loft. We strung one long length along the front of our house & next door, and neighbours across the road borrowed my second shorter length. I draped two Union Flags from upstairs windows.

I found 4 patriotic cupcases in the kitchen, and made some fairy cakes, and dug out my coronation mugs to set a suitably patriotic tea table. Bob brought out an amplifier and played the Bletchley Park VE Day music selection. 

Everyone had a great time in the sunshine, a number of pyjama-d bears even came to the party! [note; this photo was taken from correct distance] We have lived in this road for five years, but only in the last 2 months have I got to meet some of my neighbours properly. 
The atmosphere was brilliant.
Friends asked about The Baby - so of course, on Saturday, I had to put a notice on the lamp-post outside announcing George's arrival. It's been fun watching people walk past, stop and read it, smile - then look in to see if we are around. Then they grin and wave.
We listened to the Queen's Speech on TV and watched some of the special programmes - and recorded Darkest Hour to watch on Sunday afternoon. [I've got mixed feelings about it, good casting, clever acting, but lots of dramatic licence with historical accounts...]
And finally I made a WW2 recipe cake for Sunday Tea. This was a Vinegar Cake from one of my favourite blogs - The 1940s Experiment. I've been following Carolyn's adventures for more than ten years. I love her determination and honesty.
She has sourced, and tried out, some superb recipes - around 200 thus far - from the War Years - and her blog is well worth a read. Vinegar Cake is #130 on her list

This is made with just 6oz flour in 1lb loaf tin - so it is not too big, ideal for the pair of us. Vinegar plus bicarb acts as the raising agent instead of an egg - a trick used by many WW2 cooks. In the past few weeks, Carolyn's blog has been a good source of inspiration when some ingredients have been in short supply.
One parent said that it was something for the children to remember in years to come- and watching John Craven and Co reminisce about the Street Parties of 1945 made me feel glad we had done it.
Did you mark VE day in anyway? 
I must finish by thanking everyone who has sent such kind comments about the arrival of baby George. Although it is hard being unable to visit, I'm really glad that people can share in our joy. 


  1. Congratulations on baby George at least lockdown is not preventing the birth of new life. I am impressed at your efforts - our street party was also at short notice and it is amazing what people found to be able to decorate. One of my daughters ended up cutting up loads of Aldi carrier bags that had the Union Jack on for their street party as she had nothing else. Lockdown has been a good way of forcing us to improvise with what we have and recycle and repurpose - long may it continue.

  2. Improvisation is the key! I was amused by people posting on the local Facebook group "where can I buy bunting?" ... late on Saturday afternoon. The Aldi bag idea is clever

  3. What a lovely celebration!

  4. That sounds lovely! Nothing happened in my street, at least as far as I could tell! We had a nice chilled day though. We've had some lovely exercise this weekend- a long cycle ride and a long walk plus a treat of takeaway on SAturday night from our local Madeiran restaurant.

  5. I am sad to read your comment about 'where to buy bunting. Ang. What has happened to people? It feels as though making and doing has been forgotten.

    1. Maybe some people are rediscovering crafts. A mum up the road said "those Teddy pyjamas inspired me. Angela. I got my sewing machine from the loft and made some bunting for the children's playhouse" I was really thrilled!

  6. This looks like so much fun! In our neighborhood, it looks like a mausoleum park — not a soul to be seen except for the little kids down the street who clearly never go in the house! I am so glad to see people making the best of a yucky situation!

  7. Sounds like a great celebration! The food looks lovely and seeing all the neighbors united is indeed great.

  8. Lovely party. Congratulations on the babe. Cheers

  9. I wish I knew where the miniature red, white and blue bunting was that I made for the Royal Wedding back a few years ago- I hand sewed it for CBC's birthday and should have put it up!


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