That was the question which the lawyer asked Jesus in Luke chapter 10. A good friend of mine posted this story a couple of days ago, and I thought that what she has done was so lovely it was worth sharing...
"Did you know that Friday was Neighbours' Day in France - although I think they have postponed it because of the virus. They clearly make a big thing of it. I went to market this morning and the flower man was there selling cheap flowers. So I bought a load, came home, made them into small posy arrangements .
I did five. I delivered them to our immediate neighbours. One lost her husband last year and was having a low day - they put a smile on her face, One lost her sister last week and is also low, we cried and smiled. The other three were very happy to receive them. The flowers may not last long but isn't the Lord's timing great for me to knock on those doors?
Bonne Fête des Voisins - happy Neighbours' Day everyone x"
Jesus concluded, “In your opinion, which one of these three
acted like a neighbour toward the man…?” The teacher of the Law answered, “The
one who was kind to him.” Jesus replied, “You go, then, and do the same.” [Luke
10: 36-38, GNT]
We usually celebrate our "Coeur du Village" (Heart of the Village) day in July - it's the people who live in the centre having their Fete des Voisins. I don't know what will happen this year, but it's fun getting together, usually under a big awning and chatting with folk. Last time I took along a white chocolate & ginger cheesecake, which went down very well!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely event - I hope you can celebrate in some way this summer. Cake is ALWAYS well received![except, I suppose, at the Slimming World meeting]
DeleteThat's something we never had in our bit of France. But we always had a wonderful little fete on ST Jean's day.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely, thoughtful thing for your friend to do.
ReplyDeleteGod's timing is always right!