Tuesday 26 May 2020

"Someone On The Phone For You, Ang"

...said Bob, entering the lounge. "Who is it?" I asked. Bob looked puzzled, put his hand over the receiver and whispered 
"It's the Hammerhead Band Woman!"
I was a little confused. I know nothing about this Rock Band - and I thought all their members were blokes anyway...
But once I took hold of the phone and spoke to the caller, everything became infinitely clearer. Nothing to do with heavy metal or ear-splitting noise. Bob's Mondegreen. He'd misunderstood what was being said - in fact it was the Hannah's Headband Woman. 
My friend helps co-ordinate the making of these headbands locally - and has some people who've made complete headbands [like me] And other people who complete one stage of the process. She telephoned on Friday evening to say that she had some packs of headbands which were all cut and prepared, ready for the machine sewing and elastic..
..and the elastic stitcher couldn't do it now, please could I help, as she was desperate. I'd only need to do machining - she has a team of ladies lined up to sew on the buttons. What could I say? I said that I had other stuff to do, but I would do a few. Which is why Friday evening and Saturday morning were spent making 150 headbands.

Next week I may start my own heavy metal group, it will probably be less stressful


  1. Oh, my! That's a LOT of headbands to sew! Yes, I think you should form your own heavy metal band! Bless you for all what you do!

    1. I have no musical talents and no sense of rhythm. That probably qualifies me for the job.

  2. This made me laugh. I do enjoy your blogs. Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. We all need a little laughter at the moment.

  3. I think your days must be made of elastic....stretched to the max!

    1. I'm trying not to over-stretch, something might snap.

  4. Wow! Well done, going above and beyond as usual.... I know how much these are appreciated as Emma has benefited from donations. She says not only do they protect her ears but also keep hair out of the way when wearing the full face shields. So thank you for your hard work xx

    1. So good to hear that Dr Emma is doing OK - and glad for positive feedback re the headbands.

  5. This still makes me giggke after your text! Well done to you!!!

  6. That was a lot of work! Good for you.
    Yes, your husband did make me laugh!


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