Saturday 2 May 2020

The Lizards Fade, The Guinea Pig Dazzles

That's three days of sewing done and dusted...Wednesday I did the teddy pyjamas. Thursday, I took another wall from the collapsed gazebo [see here] and made a new cover for my whirligig dryer. We've had the dryer seven years, and I have diligently put the dryer down and replaced the cover almost every time I have used it. The dryer remains in pristine condition. 
But the cover is really worn and beginning to go into holes. There is a lot of green discolouration, and the original pale blue with its lizard design has completely faded. Now the cover is bright blue, and I found a long black nylon zip in my Stash.
I think this is a great improvement, and it is all using recycled fabric. On Thursday evening I met a young neighbour who lives a few doors up - another resident was showing her a rabbit in new pyjamas, and pointing at my house. So of course I offered to make some pjs. Mum said "Can you do clothes for guinea pigs?" Further discussion revealed this was a resin animal from a local garden centre, which has become very important to its owner. They have made a little house for it, but really wanted some clothes too. This was something of a challenge...
I did panic halfway through the afternoon when I spotted it had a chipped ear - then realised both ears and 2 feet were damaged. It was clearly like that before it arrived at my house. Rabbit got pjs just like the other toys - and the guinea pig ended up with two pairs of trousers and hats. The GP does look alarmingly lifelike.
The owner was delighted. Then I sewed twenty more of Hannah's Headbands, and once all the buttons are sewn on, they can be delivered to the charity collection point. 
I think that's all the sewing I shall do this week - the dining table is clear again, and we can eat meals, and I have another jigsaw to do. What's on your dining table these days?


  1. On my dining table.....mail, a catalogue, two letters that I need to reply to, a pair of socks waiting to be put in a drawer, and my cutting board waiting for more fabric! You did ask!

  2. Oh, that guinea pig is so cute! I've my sewing machine, and masks in the making on my dining table!

    1. I've just packed away my machine, so we can eat at the table on Sunday

  3. There's a jigsaw on my dining table and I just have wobbly meals on top of it.

    I like the guinea pig clothes.

    1. I do my jigsaws on an old pinboard so I can move them easily

  4. Love the Guinea pig! I have a sewing machine and 2 half made face masks, a jigsaw in its box and my large sewing box on my dining room table! Dinner will be in the kitchen I think.

    1. Jigsaws and sewing seem to be the common theme here

  5. That GP is the cutest thing all dressed up!

    1. Thank you. But it's rather hard resin, not what I would call a "cuddly" toy

  6. I just want to giggle at the dandy Guinea pig!! How sweet that it is so loved! Well done to you for being the Saville row for resin Guinea pigs!


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