Roll on Monday- and the chance to relax a bit! I have had a great time in school this week [ignoring the news about reduced hours next term]On Wednesday the Year 4's were catching up on science - so spent the whole day investigating creatures and their habitats in the school grounds - we collected and inspected [then carefully returned] newts, beetles, ants, slugs, and LOADS of woodlice. At the end of the day,the children had to take home one of those letters about headlice. Woodlice and headlice - do not confuse the two! This is a photo of a woodlouse.
Thursday and Friday I have spent working with the Year 1's - and during break lunchtime with Year 5's measuring up more children for play costumes.
The evenings have been busy with housegroup, sewing group, pastoral visiting and a coffee evening. Bob has been equally busy and so tonight we nipped out for a quick, and inexpensive meal at a nearby pub. The Windmill at Brascote serves excellent food at very reasonable prices - and the landlord is the husband of one of my teaching colleagues. It was good to have a few moments to chat, away from distractions of the phone etc. We were back home by 7pm [in time for The Archers!]
I've spent most of the evening reading a great book "The Shack" which Bob got at his conference. More on that when I have finished it.
We heard today of the death of our friend Jennifer French in Welling. I served with Jenny for 9 years in Girls' Brigade and she was a lovely woman - one of the hardest working Christians I knew. Not only was she a GB Officer and a Sunday School teacher, she also cared for her parents till their death, supported her children and grandchildren, did pastoral visiting, baked cakes and organised coffee mornings, sewed Brigade uniforms and dance costumes, and always showed genuine concern for those in need. She and her husband Melvyn, a BB Officer, have had a tremendous impact on the lives of many young people through the years. Our thoughts are with him, and Graham and Heather at this time.
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.
Tomorrow is going to be even more busy - School Fete, Carey Gardens Fete, and a Car Wash for Tom and Alex. The CG folk just rang to ask if they could borrow my red, white and blue bunting. I made it for the Queen's Jubilee in 2002 and it has done good service over the past 6 years. It was made entirely from scraps of fabric in my stash and I cannot believe it is still going. It's been hung out for countless events at church. What is more remarkable is the fact that I found it easily tonight, despite the
house being overwhelmed by other projects at the minute! Bob has spent the morning cleaning the BBQ and the evening loading PA gear into the car. He has got more energy than me today. I am determined to finish The Shack before I go to bed as I know he is keen to read it too. It's a good job we are both fast readers!
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